Part Seven

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August 8th Wayne Mansion 16:45
The Mansion was quiet, Dick was out with Kori and Bruce and Selina had gone out for dinner while Alfred took the evening off. Damian was preparing for his birthday celebrations and Jason was sitting outside in the garden smoking and Tim was locked in his room playing his Xbox as he had been for the past month, but today he was screaming which was annoying Damian.

"Drake shut the hell up or I will turn off the power" Damian spat

"Sorry Bart, Kon and Bernard, I'll be back in a sec" Tim said

"That's better quiet" Damian sighed

"No I left because I didn't hear what you said, what did you say" Tim asked

"I told you to shut up or I'll turn off the power you're way too loud" Damian replied

"Sorry for the inconvenience your highness anything else you'd like me to do" Tim said sarcastically

"Jump off something high, you ass" Damian said slamming the door

"I'm back" Tim stated

"Good we were about to start the game without you" Bart said

"Honestly we would probably be better without him" Kon joked

"Hey, I'm better then the three of you combined" Tim said

"He's not wrong, but then again cheaters do tend to do better" Bernard stated

"I don't cheat" Tim replied defensively

"Tim don't lie, you do" Kon said

They continued playing for a while, a long while and went on until Kon was called for dinner by Lois and Clark

"I need to be going too, I'll talk to you guys tomorrow" Bart stated

"Well I'll see you later then I guess" Tim said

"Yeah I guess so, ehh Tim can I ask you something" Bernard asked

"Yeah what is it" Tim replied

"Actually never mind, it's not important" Bernard responded

"Come on, what is it?" Tim asked

"Ehh, no I can't do this here is it okay if I come over" Bernard replied

"Yeah sure" Tim answered

After that conversation Tim left his room and headed downstairs to get food from the kitchen

"He came out of his room, what alternate universe have I travelled to" Jason asked sarcastically

"No his friends left him, he's all alone" Damian stated

"You couldn't have gone with Jay said, and like not be mean" Tim questioned

"No, what fun would that have been" Damian asked

"It be more fun" Tim replied

"No, no I don't think so" Damian stated

"So it's what, like seven. Do you two want to get pizza or something" Jason asked

"As long as you're not cooking I'm fine with anything" Tim replied

"And as long as it's vegan friendly" Damian stated

"So picky, and I'll get us one each" Jason responded

"Okay, also Bernard may be coming over" Tim stated

"For dinner?" Jason asked

"I dunno he wanted to talk he might stay" Tim replied

"Wow so interesting I don't care, Todd order the food" Damian ordered

"Fine I'll do it now" Jason replied

"Call me when it arrives" Damian said walking off

"I hate bossy he is" Tim replied

"I just hate him" Jason stated

Jason and Tim stood around talking until there was a knock on the front door and Tim went to open it.

"Hey Bernard" Tim stated

"Hi Tim" Bernard replied

"Come on in" Tim said letting him in

"Thanks" Bernard replied

"So what did you want to talk about" Tim asked

"I was just wondering...I was just wondering if you wanted to go out sometime" Bernard replied

"We go out all the time, why did you have to come here to ask" Tim questioned

"Because I don't want to go out like we normally do, I want to go out like on a date" Bernard said

"Ehh, really?" Tim asked

"Actually you know what, it doesn't matter" Bernard said turning

"No wait" Tim said

"What?" Bernard questioned slightly flustered

"Well why not give it a go, I don't know it might be fun" Tim stated

"Really?" Bernard asked

"Yeah why not" Tim replied

"Will you stop worrying no one will find out, unless you do something stupid" Damian said on the phone walking past

"Hi Damian" Bernard said

"One sec, hi now bye" Damian replied

"He's in a mood" Bernard said

"Yeah he always is" Tim replied

"Well I best be going" Bernard said

"Do you want to stay for dinner we ordered pizza" Tim asked

"Okay sure if your parents don't mind" Bernard replied

"It's just myself, Jay and Damian" Tim replied

"I guess I'll stay" Bernard replied

They sat around talking for a half hour before the pizza arrived and then went and joined Jason in the kitchen and began eating before Damian walked in.

"You're not ditching me tomorrow, as long as you do as I say we will be fine" Damian stated walking in

"Are you still on the phone to the same person" Tim asked

"Shh, no not you it's Drake he's being annoying" Damian replied

"Damian hang up we are eating now" Jason said

"Tt, fine Todd. I'll see you tomorrow bye" Damian replied hanging up

"Who was that" Bernard asked

"No one" Damian replied

"You were on the phone with no one for half an hour" Tim questioned

"Shut up" Damian answered

"Okay I was put in charge of making sure the house didn't burn down, no one days and nothing breaks" Jason said

They ate their food and as soon as Damian finished he went back in the phone Jason went to do his own thing and Tim and Bernard headed to the living room to watch TV.

"So when do you want to go out, if you still want too" Bernard asked

"How about tomorrow" Tim replied

"Tomorrow it is then, wait is tomorrow not your brothers birthday" Bernard stated

"It is but I'm not invited, actually none of us are just his friends. They're going out on the yacht" Tim replied

"So tomorrow it is" Bernard said standing

Tim showed Bernard to the door and opened it for him and said goodbye. Tim then closed the door and headed back upstairs, Jason was going to bed and then he heard Damian on the phone again with his door open and he looked in which caused the younger brother to stand up and slammed the door and then Tim went to bed and stayed up until 3am on his phone.

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