Chapter Fifteen

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Ciaran finally took me to the scrying mirror when we finished lunch. The mirror was actually a small pool of water set into the floor in a far room. Ciaran had placed flowers all around the room, so the effect was like entering a tiny garden since the space was relatively small. 

He whispered an incantation over the "mirror," and I was delighted to see the guys traveling back home in a limo. They were all safe, it seemed, but they all looked so severe, and Adrian was talking. I couldn't tell what he was saying, but Dom looked especially upset.

"Okay, can you get to them?" I implored Ciaran.

He shook his head, "Not while they are on the move like this. I will wait until they are home."

"Can you contact them through this thing?"

"No, it's only one way. Sorry, Princess.

I nodded briefly. It would take them about two hours to get home. "Okay fine. We'll wait until they get home, but don't you dare forget!" 

Ciaran was irritating in his delight as he led me out to look at the town. First, he took me to see Brin's father, who turned out to be a general in Ciaran's army. His name was General Aefrid Feltz, and he was more like how I pictured a Centaur. He had graying dark brown curls and deep brown eyes framed by crow's feet. He was built like a tank, with his horse half being similar to a Clydesdale.

Brin had been taken as a small boy, just as most Centaur slaves were. It was challenging to seize a fully grown Centaur as most, I learned, were well-trained warriors. It broke my heart that Brin would never grow to his parent's stature due to the malnutrition he endured.

General Feltz repeatedly thanked me for finding his boy and making him part of my court, which made me so uncomfortable.

"Honestly, General, I don't feel like I did much. I mean, he is not abused anymore, but now he has a decoration status, in my opinion. But I intend to give him back to you when everything is done."

"Brin will not go back to us. He has been chosen. It's an honor to be in the court of the queen."

"I am not a queen."

"Nonsense. You married the King of Spring. Even if you lost, that wouldn't change."

He was the fake king, but I wouldn't confuse the General by telling him that right now.

"Well, thanks for the vote, General. I will make sure Brin gets to spend time with you soon."

"Thank you, Lady Elect. Let me introduce you to my other sons. Would you mind?"

"Oh, um, I'm a little busy... so..."


"Please! If any of them suit you, please tell me. It would be an honor to have more sons in your court."

"Thank you, but I really am busy... Maybe  I can meet them some other time?"

Like never?

"Oh, ahem. Well then." He bowed, "Another time,  Lady Elect."

After that uncomfortable exchange, Ciaran transported us to the Pixie village to meet Tylas's father, Duanis, who I learned was the Pixie king.

The Pixie village felt like a rainbow, and the sun had a drinking party together and threw up all over the place. Sparkling crystal, lights, rainbow flowers, shiny homes covered with jewels, and more flowers, flowers, everywhere made up the surroundings.

King Duanis could hardly wait to see his son again, and I promised to bring him home. It felt like it would be the best place for Tylas to heal.

"I never knew where he was. He had been kidnapped for ransom, but told me he had died when I paid it."

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