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Character Interview

Name: Ciaran Ull, or Quert

Nickname: Key

Background: Eden Tree

Place of birth: Eden

Parents: None

Siblings: None

Ethnic background: Eden Tree

Places lived: Madewyrd, the Realm of Spring, in Aleria, and in Lars, the Summer Realm, and originally lived in Eden

Education: Self educated

Jobs: King of Spring (which he stole from the Ash)

Friends: Straif, Cerdiwen (deceased), Matt

Enemies: Duir, kind of a Frenemy to Straif

Dating, marriage: Married to Matt. Previously married to Cerdiwen.

What people does he most admire: Matt,     Straif, Cerdiwen

Relationship with God: He acknowledges God, but doesn't go to the temples for they are focused on the Trees

Overall outlook on life: Ciaran believes life is what you can get from it. Everything he gained is because he grabbed it from someone else.

Does this character like himself: He liked his cunning, Matt has been poking at his conscience

What, if anything, would he like to change about his life: He would have liked to have had more time with Cerdiwen and had children

Physical build: He is about 5 foot six, with a thin,  athletic  build

Head shape: somewhat triangular with a sharp chin

Eyes: opalescent

Nose: not overly large. Somewhat snubbed

Mouth, small, almost always smiling

Hair - pink

Skin: almond colored

Voice: Soft and teasing

Right- or left-handed: He's a righty

What you notice first: his flashy clothes, then the eyes

Clothing: Ciaran likes to wear gaudy clothing with tons of jewelry. Liberace is his spirit animal

How would he describe himself: He'd describe himself as a smooth strategist

Strongest/weakest character traits: Strongest: Clever, Individualistic, charming, Creative, Faithful to one love/ Weakest: scheming, dishonest, fake

How much self-control and self-discipline does he have: He has a great amount of both. A good con takes patience

Fears: that every day the world will know he is a fraud

Political leaning: He is for the Spring Realm and Matt winning

What people like best about him: People like how charming and funny he is.

Favorite food - he is fond of apple deserts, likes most fruits
Favorite Drink - apple wine

Music: He likes Earth club music, and pan pipes

Books: mysteries, pulp fiction, true crime

Movies: comedies

Sports: Not a fan

Color: magenta

Best way to spend a weekend: At a party

A great gift for this person: clothes and jewelry,  toys, gadgets

Pets: none... maybe Matt?

Vehicle: he teleports

Hopes and dreams: Hopes to free Aleria from Duir's influence

What's the worst thing he's ever done to someone and why: The worst thing he's ever done is stealing the Ash's name and throne.

Greatest success: discovering and marrying Matt. Finding out she was a Tree

Biggest trauma: losing Cerdiwen in the war. Fears the same of Matt

What does he care about most in the world: Matt and himself

Does he have a secret: He stole Spring

If he could do one thing and succeed at it, what would it be: He wants to be a good father

Most embarrassing thing that ever happened to him: Having to bow down to the person who killed Cerdiwen

He is the kind of person who: would steal the shirt off your back

Why will the reader sympathize with this person right away: He's charming and mysterious,  he has a sad loss that causes his fear of intimacy

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