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Species: Dragon
Age: about 900

Name: Venetto (no last name)

True Name: Venetto

Background: Venetto has spent most of his life bound in a ring.  As such, he is rather ignorant of the modern world and speaks like he transported from a Shakespearean play. The dragons used to be plentiful, but they were mostly wiped out through hunting on earth. He has a low opinion of Trees for the most part as they were responsible for sending the dragons to earth. 

Place of birth: Aleria

Parents: Orphaned. He never knew his parents. His egg was raised by the Trees. 

Siblings: none

Ethnic background: Blue Dragon. There are also black dragons, gold dragons, silver, red, green, and white dragons.

Places lived: has lived since the 14th century in a ring. Before that he was briefly residing on Earth and Aleria.

Education: Basic. He can read and write

Favorite subject in school: Never attended school

Job: None. Used to be a mercenary for the Trees.

Friends: Matt, a couple dragons but they are long dead.

Enemies: The Trees, save for Matt

Dating, marriage: Married to Matt. She is his first and only love.

What people does he most admire: He admires Matt, and a few dragons he used to know that were fierce fighters. 

Relationship with God: Has a belief in the creator. Thinks the Trees can suck eggs. 

Overall outlook on life: He believes in justice, and being tough in the face of troubles. 

Does this character like himself: Venetto is a himbo, and thinks he's absolutely fabulous.

What, if anything, would he like to change about his life: He would have liked to have not spent all those centuries trapped in a ring

Physical build: He is massive with rippling muscles. He stands over seven feet tall.

Head shape: square

Eyes: black and sapphire jagged bands. 

Nose: straight

Mouth: He has full lips

Hair - blue-black

Skin: bluish with dragon scales on his face and other areas of his body when he is in human shape. He cannot completely change to human.

Voice: Deep and raspy.

Right- or left-handed: He's a righty

What you notice first: his immense stature!

Clothing: Prefers to wear only pants as shirts get in the way of his wings. On occassion will wear heavily modified shirts. 

How would he describe himself: A man that knows what he wants, and is not afraid to get it.

Strongest/weakest character traits: Strongest: Loyal, brave, strong, passionate, protective of the weak/ Weakest: Ignorant of many things due to his long captivity, Old fashioned, brash, loud, can be oafish. 

How much self-control and self-discipline does he have: Rather undisciplined. He doesn't like rules. 

Fears: confined spaces, loneliness

Political leaning: For Matt

What people like best about him: He is honest, brave, and loyal

Favorite food - Strictly a carnivore. Likes all meat. May eat a vegetable on occassion, but not without much complaining. 
Favorite Drink - water

Music: No preference

Books: Not into books

Movies: Never seen one

Sports: what's a sport?

Color: teal

Best way to spend a weekend: fighting

A great gift for this person: Venetto appreciates anything that comes from one he loves

Pets: none

Vehicle: He can fly, can be teleported with his ring.

Hopes and dreams: He is living his dream by being free. Wants to see Matt win the trial. 

What's the worst thing he's ever done to someone and why: Killed an entire village of humans because he was asked to do so by the Trees.

Greatest success: Getting free of the ring

Biggest trauma: The years of loneliness that made him relive all the murders he did

What does he care about most in the world: Matt

Does he have a secret: No. Venetto is truthful to a fault

If he could do one thing and succeed at it, what would it be: He wants to learn more about the world

Most embarrassing thing that ever happened to him: Venetto never gets embarrassed. Everything he does is awesome in his eyes. 

He is the kind of person who: wants to explore the world

Why will the reader sympathize with this person right away: He is a himbo. He is large, apt to break stuff, loud, brash, but secretly a teddy bear.

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