Chapter Thirty-Four

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The perfect English of the male voice was my first clue that whoever spoke wasn't Dimini. I swung out and struck something hard. The voice grunted in surprise, and then I heard shuffling feet as the person danced back with a mocking chuckle.

"What's wrong little Matt-matt? Afraid of ghosts?" I knew that voice.

"Dimini!" I hollered as I swung blindly again. There was another shuffle, and I hoped the person would step into the lighted area, but he was pretty content to dodge within the shadows.

Dimini lit up briefly, sending a flash of light into the darkened hall section. I saw a tall frame and the back of a blond head as the man gestured towards the Lunantisidhe and a cloying, dark smoke smothered my companion.

The light dimmed, and I was blinded by the darkness once more.

"Stop!" I called, shuffling my feet as I reached out blindly in the direction of the link. With its silky sheen, that blonde head was well known to me. My heart stuttered and threatened to stop, my breath was a memory, and my muscles and bones had all turned to melted wax. I tripped on my useless feet and hit the slimy floor on my knees.

The voice grunted as though lifting something, and I heard footsteps as Joseph stepped into the light finally, carrying a limp Dimini in his arms.

"Catch me, Matt-matt," my personal nightmare grinned. His blue eyes sizzled with a crazed light as he entered the left archway with my companion. The echo of his laughter sang after him as I tried not to vomit.

I clenched my shaking fists and inhaled deeply, which brought the cloying stench of this hall deep into my lungs and started me gagging again.

Rising, I swallowed the sourness in my mouth and took more shallow breaths as I bent forward and supported my hands on my thighs.

"Don't panic, Matt," I whispered.

"Hmm? What's that Matt-Matt? I can't hear youuuuu!"

I flinched at his sing-song voice, and my trembling threatened to break all my joints. What was Joseph doing here? Unless...

Of course... greatest fear.

He interrupted my epiphany by shouting, "Come closer, why don't you? I might even let the little bug live. How'd you manage to get him to grow?"

"That's right. He has Dimini, Matt. Move your cowardly ass and be the hero." I chided under my breath. I was all alone here, with my attacker, and none of my court could come to save the day. Luis wasn't here either.

Wait! Venetto!

"Come to me, Venetto," I whispered.

Nothing. Why didn't it work?

As if he read my mind, Joseph crowed about my vulnerable status. "Where's all those pretty guys that flock around you? No one to help poor Matt-Matt?" He clicked his tongue in mock sympathy.

He knew about them. I clamped my mouth shut so I wouldn't engage him. If I started to talk, he'd manage to twist me up in knots, and I already had enough of them in my chest. Images of him constantly talking, cajoling, even as he'd attacked me swam in my head.

I tried to concentrate on making some blue roots go and find Joseph, but all of my roots stayed placidly normal. Like a bread trail, the root between Dimini and I stretched to the left, down the path I knew I couldn't take.

"Come and talk to me, Matt-Matt. I've been soooooo bored! I might gut this bug to see where he makes his light. Soooo curious!"

"Shut up!" I screeched, then I pinched myself. Be stronger, you stupid coward. You let him win something with that response.

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