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Species: Cait Sith

Character Interview

Name: Erick Gatt

True Name: Euric Skogatt, of the American Skogatts

Background: Cait Sith

Place of birth: Earth

Parents: Medric and Yulia Gatt

Siblings: none

Ethnic background: Scottish Fae. Parents emigrated to the US before he was born.

Places lived: Had lived in the Oregon forests for his childhood, and in Aleria for the rest of his time

Education: Attended human Elementary school, but was tutored after that

Favorite subject in school: Reading

Job: Luke's sword

Friends: Beth, Luke, and at one time, Matt. That fence is being mended.

Enemies: Any enemy to the crown is his enemy

Dating, marriage: Married to Matt. Was engaged to Beth from childhood. Matt's childhood sweetheart.

What people does he most admire: His parents, Luke, and Matt

Relationship with God: He worships Duir because Luke did, but the Birch tree was the Tree the Cait Sith worshipped on Earth.

Overall outlook on life: He believes that he will never escape his penance for what he did to Matt.

Does this character like himself: For the most part, Erick has a sense of self-righteousness. He knows he made mistakes as a child, but he's been very successful as Luke's sword.

What, if anything, would he like to change about his life: He wishes that he hadn't made the mistakes he made with Matt.

Physical build: He is slender, and appears like he's frail, but he hides a solid strength.

Head shape: Heartshaped

Eyes: Aquamarine

Nose: straight

Mouth: upper lip is thinner than the bottom lip, making him look like he is pouting.

Hair - silver

Skin: fair

Voice: smooth, like sand shifting over round pebbles

Right- or left-handed: He's a righty

What you notice first: eyes

Clothing: usually dresses in uniform, or in suits

How would he describe himself: a person that does what is necessary

Strongest/weakest character traits: Strongest: well spoken, loyal, persuasive, Faithful/ Weakest: too attached to rules, too hyperfocused, unwilling to own up to his faults.

How much self-control and self-discipline does he have: Fairly self-disciplines and controlled.

Fears: Fire, Matt never accepting him

Political leaning: For the summer court

What people like best about him: He is competent and dependable

Favorite food - Erick prefers meat dishes of any sort, but his most favorite is leg of lamb.
Favorite Drink - He sweet drinks

Music: techno

Books: He doesn't read very often, and has no favorites

Movies: enjoys horror

Sports: Likes rugby. He appreciates the savagery of the game

Color: Yellow

Best way to spend a weekend: cleaning his weapons

A great gift for this person: knives

Pets: none

Vehicle: none of his own

Hopes and dreams: He dreams of being reconciled with Matt

What's the worst thing he's ever done to someone and why: The worst thing he ever did was betraying matt

Greatest success: gaining a good ability

Biggest trauma: realizing his actions betrayed Matt when they were young

What does he care about most in the world: Matt, his family, beth, and Luke

Does he have a secret: He was disowned by his mother for choosing to be Luke's sword.

If he could do one thing and succeed at it, what would it be: he would like to gain more personal agency. He's tired of servitude.

Most embarrassing thing that ever happened to him: Matt nearly taking out him and the crew he'd taken when they kidnapped her. He was taken to task by Luke.

He is the kind of person who: tries to keep all avenues open

Why will the reader sympathize with this person right away: He is difficult to sympathize with. Readers may eventually accept him because he is persistent.

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