[4] - T H E B I N D I N G

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The last sleep?
It is the final awakening

A/N: Just a little note, I made a version of this chapter where Adam was still alive... and now my hart is breaking for my poor baby. ;-;


only revised once. not edited. will once I stop crying...

November 22 2023; editing it now... already crying.

"I don't have a choice Ansel!" A woman voice rang out through the tent.

"Well I won't just let you do this to my son!" Ansel shouted back, he sounded distressed, and worried.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have a choice," the woman replied.

Then tent flap opened, making Thea and Adam duck behind a fallen tree. They watch as an older blonde haired woman step out of the tent, immediately recognizing her as Esther. "But you did!" Their father follows her out of the tent, his eyes full of anger. "You didn't have to turn your children into these monsters!" He said pointing at her. Esther didn't say anything as she walked away, holding a small white stone in her hand.

Thea awoke with a gasp. Remembering the prior day when her and Adam had been spying on their father and Esther. Realization hit her like an arrow as she realized what other was going to do; she was going to bind Niklaus' werewolf side so he would only be a vampire with a dormant wolf side.

"I have to tell them," Thea mumbled as she got out of her bed and ran out to find her remaining siblings.

But what she didn't know, was that if she hadn't done this then she would've survived at least until she was twenty one instead of fourteen.


Natalia was scared.

She had just been told that her mother was going to place a curse on her brother. So, doing the most rational thing she could do, she ran to stop it.

She arrived at the quarry out of breath just to see Elijah and Finn tying Nik up and Esther standing in front of him speaking in Latin. "Mother!" Natalia shouted, gaining their attention. "What are you doing!?" She reached a hand up to touch her brothers face before moving to untie him but Elijah stops her, with a firm grip on her arm, he drags her away from him.

"Talia! It's for the best!" He says as the remaining Talisman siblings arrive to the scene.

"Esther!" Thea shouts her eyes turning yellow for a second before returning to their normal color that in the moonlight looked identical to Nik's.

"Child, what are you doing here?" Esther asked her glancing at the three Talisman siblings.

"I heard you and my father talking." She says holding her head up high. "And I told Talia." She pauses for a second, "everything."

Finn vamped in front of the Tailsman's flashing his red eyes at them, before saying; "this is family business."

At that Alvin tilts his head, his curls falling in his face as he did so, "well then," he said a smirk forming on his face as his eyes flashed yellow, "good thing Nik's my brother then,"

Natalia struggled to get free of Elijah's grip on her arm. He moves so he has both her arms behind her bak as he holds her still. "Elijah!" she shouts, trying to wiggle her way out of his grip.

"Stop Natalia, it's for his own good," Elijah says.
Natalia soon finds it worthless and instead she siphons from him just enough so she has magic but not too much for him to notice. She then begins to chant her own spell, not to stop the spell but to link it to the Petrova Doppelgängers.

She makes it so that the stone her mother is using will also have the power to free Nik of the binding spell. She knows that when the time comes for him to break it she'll be long gone but at least he'll finally be whole.

As Esther finishes the spell, Nik screams in pain and soon two more screams join him. "Thea!" Alexander shouts dropping to the ground to hold her.

"MAKE IT STOP!" She screams covering her ears, blood pouring from her eyes and ears.

"Make what stop!?" Alvin asks but before she can answer Talia lets out a scream.

Her eyes turn bright yellow and then red before she sends Elijah shooting back with her magic and falls to the ground holding her ears. "MAKE IT STOP!" She screams, blood also running from her eyes and ears, only she also had it during from her nose.

Esther finishes the spell and Nik passes out, though the two girls still scream. Alexander try's to get close to Talia but he's thrown back by her magic. "MAKE IT STOP!" Thea screams again. "Thea!" Alvin shouts as she passes out.

Suddenly Talia lets out one more ear piercing scream before a wave of orange magic shoots out around her and then. back into her, before collapsing to the ground. a "Thea?" Alvin whispers to his sister as he sees her chest not rising.

"THEA!" He shouts again pulling her in to check her pulse, when he doesn't feel one he starts to cry. "No," Alexander whispers, his eyes filled with tears as he falls to his knees in front of his little sister. She was gone, Thea Talisman was dead. Only at age fourteen. She had died due to Esther Mikaelson binding Nik's werewolf side.

Suddenly Talia sits up gasping for air, when she sees Thea on the ground, not breathing she makes her way over to her. "Thea," she horsely whispers. When she sees her best friend, and twin sister, lying there without breathing she starts to cry. "NO!" She screams grabbing onto her body.

"PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!" She screams sobbing as she hugged Thea's body. Elijah regains his posture and grabs Talia away from Thea's body. "NO!" She screams struggling against him. "LET ME GO! THEA!!" She screams before Elijah vamp-speeds out of the quarry and back to their hut.

A/N: ... so uhh yea ... that just happened. I believe the next chapter will be the end of Act II before we move into Act III, which will be how Natalia grows up and such. I am very sorry about killing Adam off and then straight afterwards killing Thea. But I have a plan, trust me, it'll all work out in the end. I also HATE killing off characters in books, so don't be surprised if I make a bunch of people either stay alive or just come back to life, in this and other books I end up writing.
Like I have this idea for a Teen Wolf Pic once the movie comes out but I don't want to kill off all the Hales, so I haven't started writing it yet, like Erica, Boyd, Aiden, Duke, Laura, Talia, ect. But enough about that, lets talk about the Vampire Diaries!!! So I have this plan for how I'm going to tie Natalia into it, and I'm working out all the finer details now.

But lmk if there's like a scene you specifically want to see at some point bc I will gladly write it!!

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