[3] - I T A L L F E L L D O W N

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"AH! MAMA!" A LITTLE BLONDE TODDLER RAN THROUGH THE VILLAGE, giggling as she did so. An older blonde chased after the little girl, people stopping to watch the mother and daughter race around.

"Alesia!" The mother sang out, tucking a loose strand of curly hair behind her ear she let out a laugh. "Baby where are you?"

The four-year old giggled from her spot hiding behind her Aunt Sandy's skirt.

"Allieee!" She called out again, making eye contact with Sandy who mouthed 'behind me'.

She nodded, creeping forward quietly. Right when she was in front of her best friend, the mother jumped around her and scooped her daughter up into her arms. Alesia let out a shriek of happiness and surprise.

"Mama!" the little girl pushed against her mothers hands that were tickling her stomach.

Sandy laughed, bending over as her eyes watered. "God! You might act more like a child than your daughter T,"

The blonde let out a laugh, swinging her daughter up onto her shoulders before turning to Sandy. "Says you,"

Sandy sticks her tounge out at her and she returns the gesture.

Sandy opens her mouth to say something else when she's interupted by a joyus cry from Alesia who clambored down her mothers back to run to the brown haired man walking towards them.


The man laughed, scooping his daughter up onto his arms, kissing her cheek and head repeatedly until his wife walked over. Moving Alesia to one arm, he pulled his wife into a kiss. She smiled into it, "Hello to you too Theo."

Theo laughed, pulling away and gesturing to behind him. "I think Alvin and Alexander might need some help. I'm gonna go see what mess you three made at home this time."

His wife laughed. Her, Sandy and Alesia were known to make messes everywhere they went.
"Alvin!" She exclaimed, rushing over to her older brother and pulling him into a hug.

"Hello to you too Natalia!" Alvin said, laughing as he pulled himself from his sisters arms. He turned around and grabbed a box out of Alexander's arms, turning back around to face the smiling blonde, he dropped the box into her arms.

"Woah!" Natalia stumbled forward a bit at the sudden weight. Sticking her tounge out at Alvin, she swiftly turned and walked back to her hut. Alvin laughed, "I dunno who's more of a child, her or her daughter."

Alexander laughed, "I think if anything it's Theo." He remarked, nodding his head to where the said man was swinging his daughter up and down, while making noises.

The two brothers shared a look before bursting out laughing. They both shook thier heads and took off following their sister to the hut where this stuff belonged.


Later that night, they had a giant bonfire.

Natalia had gone out looking for more firewood when she heard the screams.

She bent over, picking up a dry stick when she heard the first one.

A motherly instinct tellling her it was her baby.

"Alesia!" She screamed, dropping the wood and running as fast as she could back to the village. It was almost as if time moved in slow motion when she cleared the trees, standing on top of the hill above her village, her knees nearly gave out.

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