[4] - M I S S I O N F A I L E D

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NATALIA CURSED ALL THE GODS SHE KNEW of for letting it come to this. Katerina had found out the truth of the sacrifice due to Kol's big fat ass mouth and stole the moonstone before running. Elijah had informed her that he believed the doppelgänger was having help from another vampire and wanted her to help him catch the girl for Niklaus.

So there she was, running through the woods calling out for the Bulgarian. "Katerina!" She called, picking up her skirts to prevent herself from tripping (she may be a vampire but still had shitty balance). "Katerina! It's me! Rosalie! I'm not gonna hurt you! Let me just get you home and we can figure something out! Okay?"

Katerina, further in the woods shifted against Trevor's hold. "I trust her," she hissed at the man; fighting his tight grip on her.

"No!" Trevor hissed at her, drawing her away from the sound of the vampires voice. "She's the one that turned you into Klaus in the first place, we must run!"

Katerina stopped short. "What?" She looked at the man in shock, not believing what he told her.

"Yes! It was her plan all along," he tugged on her hand, leading her to the cottage where Rose was. He could leave her there until nightfall and then run with her, far away from the originals and Natalia.

"But Rosalie—"

"Is not named Rosalie," Trevor hissed. "Her name is Natalia, she is their younger sister. Now come!"

Katerina processed what he said in her mind before nodding. "Send me to the cottage, I will wait for you there." Trevor nodded, giving her the directions before vanishing away to deal with Natalia.

"Trevor!" The curly haired blonde turned in shock, she hadn't heard the young vampire approach.

"Natalia." Trevor nodded his head, licking his lips before speaking. "Why not just let her go?"

Natalia sighed, "I made a promise a very long time ago to my brother. I do not plan on breaking it. Ever." She spoke, voice regal as ever thick with her accent.

"What do you have to owe the Mikaelson's?"

"Everything, you know why Trevor." Natalia placed a hand on his shoulder. "Help me find Katerina, I have a spell I can use to preserve her soul so after Klaus kills her she will come back, alive. Not as a vampire."

Trevor nodded, "where shall we look?"

Natalia sighed, wishing he would've just told her the truth. "The sun is starting to set. You should go if you want to get her out before the night patrols are set. Especially if you don't want me, Oliver, Lexi, and Rose coming after you as well."

"Rose can go with me..." Trevor began before falling silent as she raised her hand at him.

"No, Rose is of my sireline, she stays with me." You go Trevor. Now." Trevor nodded, vamping away to arrive at the cottage just in time to heal Katerina from her self inflicted wound. Unaware that she planned to hang herself as soon as he left the room...

Natalia sighed, "I will give them a days head start before going after them." She promised herself before returning to the castle to inform her brother of what happened.

(Name ur fav trio in any book series)

"You let her go?" Elijah hissed at his baby sister, looking around before yanking her into a deserted room.

"No! I'm just giving her a slight head-start!" Natalia yanked her arm out of his grip. "I can catch her in mere hours, and hopefully by then you'll have the spell finished for me so that by the next full moon Klaus' curse will be broken and Katerina will still be alive!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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