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Alaric Saltzman was confused...

To say the least.

He had found an old book, filled with pictures dating back to at least the tenth century. And as it went on, the language progressed. It went from the pictures, to scratchy writting, to Bulgarian (he thinks), then Spanish, German, Russian, and finally there was one entry in English at the very end.

June 2nd 1993

Doppelgänger alive... He will be coming for her... Do I help him? Or stop him?
I've been having strange visions of a girl. The doppelgänger I think. I'm heading to Mystic Falls in a few years to watch over her, to make sure that if he comes, she will be safe.


Whoever this woman was, this RT, she was in Mystica Falls. And she knew about this man who was coming after Elena...

"Shit," Alaric mumbled, carefully setting the book down, he grabbed his phone. Dialling a number he raised it to his ear.

It rang for a bit before getting picked up.

"Wassup Ric?" The voice on the other end answered.

"Are you busy?"

"No, I'm just hanging out with Jenna. Helping her get the ropes of the vampire lifestyle. Ya know, how to eat people without getting caught, how to drown out your sorrows with whiskey, the norm. Since I guess I am the one that turned her, I thought 'why not teach her how to be one?'. Why?" Her voice had a teasing edge to it, mocking the ex vampire hunter.

Alaric sighed, "That book that I found, it has an entry in English. Whoever it is, they're in Mystic Falls, and they know about Elena."

"Well shit,"

"That's what I said. Just get over here, and bring Jenna please."

"Yes sir, mister vampire hunter history teacher, sir."

"Goodbye T,"

"Bye Ricky."

The curly haired redhead hung up the phone with a slight smirk.

"Did ya catch that Ollie?" She asked, turning to the Hispanic vampire next to her.

He smiled, "Yea, I did T. Want me to go find him?"

"T" shrugged her shoulders, "Why not, ask him to give me Zoe back. I've missed her. Also check up on Rose and Trevor at the house on your way."

"Ollie" nodded, and then he was gone.

"So, Jenna." The redhead linked her arms with the strawberry blonde. "Shall we visit your bff?"

Jenna rolled her eyes at her best friend. "Just cause we hooked up once, doesn't mean he's my bff T."

T rolled her eyes, "I would hope not!"

The two laughed, before heading to Alaric's apartment where he waited with even more bad news...

A/N: So I have decided that instead of having Jenna be the vampure sacrifice, she's already going to have been a vampire. And one of "T"'s sireline, meaning Niklaus can't use her. Why? Because I am in LOVE with Jenna and refuse to kill her off... Yet...

So now we are going back in time some time, so we can find out the entire story of RT! SPOILER: Yes, it is Natalia :)... and no, T is NOT Natalia, so who do you think T is? T is ALSO NOT Alesia! You'll find out what happened to her later on!!

Thank you SO much to everyone who has bothered to read this book! It means the WORLD TO ME!! <<<3333 Please vote, comment, share, or even just add this book to your reading list! It would mean so much to me! Enjoy reading on to ACT IV!!!

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