The Sacrifice

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Elena and Natalie walks into the boarding house

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Elena and Natalie walks into the boarding house. Natalie closes the door behind her when she hears Rose voice.

"It's not nice to leave a girl naked so early in the morning."

They both turn their heads to see Rose in a robe.

"Woah. Sorry I thought you were..."

Elena kept looking straight while Natalie looked at Rose up in down.

"I, uh, sorry, I." Elena says trying to form a sentence.

"There's no one else here." Rose tells her

Elena finally looks at Rose."Actually I came to talk to you."

"Then I should probably get dressed."

"Aww c'mon I was enjoying the view." Natalie walks to Rose and circles her. "Maybe I shouldn't have let Damon get to you. I probably could have gave you a better time."

Rose blushes before moving around Natalie to change.


"It's a bad idea." Rose told Elena.

"No it's not. From what Stefan told me your friend slater obviously has more information about Klaus. You and Damon just gave up before you got it." Elena says

Rose scoffed. "Because somebody blew up a coffee shop with us in it."

"There's more to learn. We just have to find a way to learn it." Elena tells her.

"Why are you coming to me with this." Rose asks her

Elena sighs. "Because you owe me ."

Natalie rolls her eyes. "No she doesn't."

Elena ignores Natalie. "One word from me, and Damon and Stefan could have killed you for kidnapping me."

Natalie laughs. "I wouldn't let them kill Rose even if they tried to."

"That or maybe it's because you know that they wouldn't want you doing this. And their moonstone caper gives you a chance to sneak away." Rose says

"We're having a disagreement, ok? They're willing to risk everyone that I love and I'm not."

Rose sighs at what Elena says. "They're just trying to protect you."

"And you've proven that you couldn't care less whether I'm protect or not. So we're back to you taking me to slater." Elena tells her with sass.

Rose sits down next to Elena. "I care if Natalie is protected yes but you have all these people trying to protect you. So what exactly do you hope to achieve by this?"

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