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June 1, 1990. New Orleans, Louisiana

Gloria screamed as she did her final push, pushing her baby girl out. Screams filled the room as the baby was finally born. Gloria breathe in and out as the baby father cuts the umbilical cord and the doctor places the baby on Gloria chest. She hesitated before places her hand on her daughter head.

She quickly takes it away before handing her back to the doctors. The doctor clean her and run test before wrapper her in a cover and putting an hat on her head. The doctors hand her to her father.

Her father rocks her as Gloria watches. He has the hugest smile on his face as the baby holds his finger.

"Natalie Bennett-Labonair. Your first cousin is about to be born in a few days."

Gloria finally speaks up as the doctors and nurses leave. "I don't want her."

Her father looks at Gloria then you. "Okay. I don't want to push you but why?"

"Because I don't. I never wanted a child and if I did I didn't want a girl." Gloria says dismissive.

Natalie father looked down at his daughter. "Guess it's you and me.

2 year later June 1, 1992

Today was Natalie birthday. Her dad was out getting her presents and cake. She was in the bayou with her uncle and cousin Andrea. She felt squeamish, like something was gonna happen. She looked out the window to see witches and Dark-skin man. The witches started chanting and the wolves started transforming. Her uncle looked at her.

He quickly grabbed Natalie and Andrea and took them to the only person who hadn't broke there curse.

He handed them over. "Take care of them for me please Eve. Contact Gloria, her father said if anything were to happen to call her mom."

He pulls a piece of paper out. "This is her number."

Her uncle leaves out as Natalie sits in the chair confused and waiting for her dad. She didn't want to go to her mom. She wanted her dad.

With her mom

Natalie walked into the bar with her mother. Her mother hadn't spoke to her since she picked her up from the airport.

Gloria turned to Natalie. "Go to the back there's an cot back there. Don't coke out until I come get you. I'll bring you food and something to drink."

Natalie nodded her head went to the back and found the cot and sat down. She kept the wolf stuff animal her dad got her close to her.

A few minutes later her mom brought her something to eat: nuggets and fries with ketchup. She silently eats as Gloria looks at her before leaving.

She eats her food food slowly as tears fall down her eyes. She didn't want to be here with a women who didn't want nor love her. She wanted her father and her uncle. She missed playing with Andrea who turns one in a few days.

She sniffs and wipe her eyes as she finished her food. She threw the plate away and laid on the cot.

She cried herself to sleep wishing to be in New Orleans again.

The next morning

Natalie woke up in the backseat of a car. She saw her mother driving, she looked at the sign as they passed it. "Welcome to Mystic Falls." She knew 3 of the 4 words. She looked at the trees passing and she finally saw buildings.

The finally pulled up to a brown one story house. Gloria gets out and opens the trunk to get everything Natalie had with her. She closes the trunk and walk to the back door and open it. Natalie gets out the car and grabs her things from her mother. Holding her stuff animals close she walks behind Gloria.

Gloria knocks on the door and a women holding a baby open the door. She looks roughly 3-4 months. Gloria looks at the women and greets her.

"Abby it's good to see you. I know you just had a baby but I need to you to keep my daughter. Her father is unable to take care of her due to difficult circumstances. I don't want her, I only trust her with you."

Abby looks at Natalie that's standing next to Gloria who's looks at Abby with little to no emotions. Abby looks back at Gloria. "I can take of her."

Abby looks to Natalie. "Hi. How about you come in and sit on the couch."

Natalie nods and takes her book-bag and suit case and walks in the house. Natalie couldn't hear what was said has she say on the couch. Minutes later Abby came in and sat next to her.

"I know you don't want to be here as I can feel and see your emotions." She shows Natalie Bonnie. "This is Bonnie. I had her a few months ago. I heard you turned 2 yesterday."

Natalie nods. "I was celebrating with my dad." She said quietly.

Abby nods. "I'm sorry you had to leave your home. I'll try to make the best of it while your here."

"I just want my dad." Natalie tells her. Abby sighs. "Come on I'll show you to the room." Abby gets up and walks down a hall and they come to a door. Abby opens it.

It's simple bed, dresser and a tv. Natalie sets her things down and looks at Abby. She walks to her and wraps her arms around her leg.

Abby rubs her back. "Are you hungry?" Natalie nods. "Come on my mom is cooking."

Natalie follows her out the room and into the kitchen. She sees another women, a little older.

Shelia looks at Natalie and Natalie looks at her. She then puts her head down and moves closer to Abby. Natalie felt tingles in her standing in this kitchen. Her dad was teaching her about supernatural when she showed signs of being a witch.

Natalie looked at the fire as she it starts to get higher and lower. Shelia looks at the girl as she does it. Abby pulls her out her trance as she touches her arm.

Natalie sits and wait for her food to be plated. Maybe this could be her second home, but she knew they could never be her dad.

Hi readers🌚. Sorry to anyone who has to reread again😭. I am rewriting this story and happy for the ideas I'm putting 🙂. I, who usually hate prologues wrote one because it gives info on Natalie moving in with Sheila, Abby and Bonnie.

Hope it's not to boring. The story will have chapter pertaining Damon, Stefan and other by themselves. But also plots that I should have added. Fixing grammar and other things as well.

See you all in the rewrite🤭

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