Y/n Story 1: Chapter 2

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I was getting ready for the party tonight. I pulled out a (wrinkly potato chip bag) beautiful purple dress. It was my mothers and I really loved the dressed so I decided to wear it. I pulled on some shitty bracelets and some dark brown boots. 

Luke gave me the address for the party so I walked over to his house. 

But in fact it wasn't a house, it was a huge mansion. 

I stared at the door, hesitating whether to knock on it or not.(please don't).

I raised my hands and knocked on the door. After a few seconds the door opened, revealing Luke. 

"Hey, you made it! And you look so (ugly) beautiful" He said. 

"R-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-really?" I asked. 

"Yes! Now come inside." He said.

He led me inside and gave me a cup of water. Around us was people dancing, drinking, shitting and smoking. But of course, not me cause I'm not like other girls. 

"Glad you were able to make it." Luke said as he drank some shit. 

"Y-y-y-y-y-y-y-yeah m-m-m-m-m-m-me too." I said as I drank. Luke then suddenly took my hand and asked. 

"Can we have a moment alone?" He asked. I stared at him as my heart beated through my chest. I smoothed my wrinkly potato chip bag dress. 

"y--y-yeah." I say as he took my hand and led me to the balcony. 

"Y/n...I love you.." He said. 

w-w-w-w-w-w-what? I thought as my hearted started skipping faster and faster. 

"I want you..." He said and he leaned forward to kiss me however we were interrupted by a huge roar. 


I turned around and saw Jake. 


My sussy Baka.

He was here. And now he was going to take me. 

"Jake?!?!??!" Luke snarled. "What are you doing here?" 

Jake hissed. "PARTYING! Anyways that doesn't matter, get your hands off of Y/n NOW!" 

Luke howled in laughter. "OR WHAT?!" 

"or you'll regret it..."

Jake lunged at Luke and gave him a swift punch. Luke fell backwards. The two started fighting, punching and kicking each other. 

I knew I should stop them so I smoothed my dress and ran over to Jake and touched his face.

"Jake stop this! This isn't you uwu..." I say while blinking my blue-diamond-purple-green-orange-poca dotted orbs. 

Jake stared at me and let go of Luke before he got up and wrapped his arms around me.

"If you ever come near Y/n again, you know what'll happen." Jake said and led me away. 

As we walked out of the balcony, Jake stopped and looked at me.

"Y/n lets get married and have fetuses because I love you." 

"R-r-r-r-r-r-r-really?" I gasped as he took my hand. 


He took my hand however, instead of putting ring on my finger he threw me off the balcony and all of my bones broke.

"HAHA BYE BITCH" he yells over the balcony top. Jake then whirls around and ran to Luke, confessing his feelings for him.

The two then got married and lived the best life a married couple could ever have.


( Yes I edited the ending )

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