Y/n Story 4: Chapter 3

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As Badgaul glowered over me, I whimpered and shrink against the wall trying my best to not burst out crying.

He then snarls and sniffs me. A growl rattled from his throat (bros tripping rn cause wtf–) as he steps back. "It's her," he muttered and stared at me. "No fucking way."

"W-w-w-w-what do you mean?!" I gasp out and nibble on my nails anxiously. "What's me?"

"You're the one I've been looking for my whole life," Badgaul said, his eyes wide.

"Bro what?" Am I hearing things right?

Badgaul then explodes. "DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME BRO" He yells.

"W-why?" I stammered.

"Because I'm not your bro."

"um, mr gguy, that's not my question here, what am 'I' like you were saying?"

Badgaul glares at me with such intense eyes I was sure I was going to explode (yk I'm really considering it at this point). He then screeched like one of those creatures in that one Miller Bobby Brown Godzilla movies

(guys idk there's like 3 gorilla movies, but there's a one with MBB in it and thats the one with that flying creature in it and screams very loudly, if you watched it, yk what I'm talking about—if not just imagine a baby screaming)

I began to cry from the impact that causes my ear to bleed. "Shut up!" I sob.

Badgaul gasps and falls to his knees. "Y-Y/n" he whispered. "I'm so sorry—I don't—I'm sorry. I just—I don't know—I really don't—I'm so—I can't—Just" he grabs my shoulder and looks into my beautiful orbs while I stare into his.

I think I'm in love. This is love, right?

It feels so wonderful!

"Y/n," Badgaul says in a deep, scratchy, screechy voice. "There's something you need to know."

My heart flutters at his voice. His voice is so uwu. I giggle.

Badgaul stares at me with questionable eyes before continuing. "Um, so have you ever wondered why you're parents were killed?"

I gasp at Badgaul's words. How did he know? Tears formed in my eyes as I began to cry.

I cover my face and wail hopelessly into my palms (bro YOU CRIED 5 TIMES ALREADY)

Badgaul sighs and pats my shoulder, ignoring my cries. "Well, the reason why they came from an UFO was because you're an angel. Not a human, but an angel with magical abilities woOooOooOooo"

I choke and splutter. "W-w-what?!" I gasp out. "I-I'm an angel?"

I sit up and stare at the boy in front of me. "Then what are you."

Badgaul closes his eyes and looks away. He felt pained at what he was about to say. He knew for a fact that it would break my heart.

"I'm the devil, Y/n. We—we can't be together."

I gasp in horror and stumbkr away from him, tears once again forming in my eyes. "N-n-n-n-n-no! T-t-t-t-this can't be!"

My heart shatters as I get up and run down the stairs, crying my heart out as I am now in pain.

I had never felt so betrayed, so heartbroken over someone.

The love of my life is a devil.


Um so that was chaotic. Don't know where that was heading. Bro was on borderline offense at that point

Y/n SlanderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin