Y/n Story 5: Chapter 2

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Hi guys sorry for the long wait, my motivation dropped during the past few days and my school would not stop bombarding us with hw


I grip the molded book tightly against my chest and trembled with fear. I knew how disastrous this book can cause, but I don't care. I needed it now!!

With cute uwu petite small fingers, shaking softly, I pried the book open and scrolled through the pages.

I then came across the very spell I wanted to cast.

I gasped and gripped my wittle chest as my tiny little heart heart slammed in my chest.

Was I really going to this? I thought.

But then I remembered all the abuse I had endured in my entire life.

Everyone bullied me when I didn't even do anything. All I ever did was sing or cry but why do they care?

Boys never looked at me in school. They go for girls who wear make-up and wear decent clothing and smell nice.

I'm basic, but that's a good thing. I don't wear make-up, or decent clothes (they're burnt up clothes half eaten by goats) nor do I bother putting perfume because I have a natural smell. (Girl you smell like a horses den—)

Sighing, I decided it was final. I was going to summon the demon and make everyone pay for ever hurting me!

I closed my eyes and began to softly chant. As I did, I became glad that I sang before. It was like a build-up for this. Chanting.

I knew I sounded beautiful—like an angel for sure.

I never understood why boys never fell in love with me when I sang. I know for a fact I have a majestic vocal chord, but everytime I sang, everyone who pull out there phones and laugh at me.

My chorus teacher was so entranced by my singing he had to kick me out because I was too good for anyone who heard it. He inspired me to be a better singer.

But because he kicked me out, I couldn't participate in the Chorus Concert.

Luckily I tried out for Talent Show, but I wasn't chosen. But I knew was the chosen one. Better than all the wannabe singers that had gotten a position in the show. Ugh.

I sang my heart out, and waster dragged out by a bunch of seniors and told to get out.

They were all jealous for sure.

And thanks to him, I am here. Chanting a spell with my extraordinary voice that could make any man fall on their knees for me.

I finished casting the spell, but frowned when nothing happened.

W-what happened? W-w-why wasn't it working?

Just as I was about to give up, I felt a shift of temperature and gasped tightly when I felt a presence behind me. My stomach dropped and I swallowed back a lump forming in my throat.

The demon. He is here.

I slowly turned around to face the demon I brought here and when I fully faced him, I felt my ovaries burst into pieces.

There is no way the demon would be THIS hot. I trembled and felt a whimper fall out of my as he glowered over my small wittle tiny bottle frame and let's out a unhappy grunt.

I think I found the love of my life standing right before my eyes....

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