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Before anyone calls me out: i'm sorry if my english isn't good. I hope you'll enjoy <3

I ran after her. She ignored me and well... kept walking.
"Why the fuck are you ignoring me? Why are you mad at me, what did i ever do to you!?"

She suddenly stopped. She sent ma a look, that could kill. Her eyes were red and from her fingers grew big sharp nails. Next thing i knew, I was lying on the grownd.

"Dont you ever know when you have to stop? Do you know how hard it is for me to even be here?"

"I told you! I dont know what you're talking about!"

"Dont play stupid!" She said. She tried not to cry, but she couldn't stop. "I know that you stole my stuff! You know my mom passed away! I dont understand why the hell you had to steal her earrings!"

"I wasn't even in school yesterday!"

"Show me your stomach." She said and removed her grip off of my neck. I pulled my T-shirt up and showd her my white stomach.

"What kind of powers do you have huh? Healing?"

"No! I didn't get any powers yet! Can you tell me what is happening? Please?"

"I am not dumb!" She said and took my hand.

It hurt, because she squeezed my hand. She dug her sharp nails into my arm and ripped a layer of skin off. It hurt like hell. I tried not to scream but i couldn't help myself.

I pulled my hand back. I felt tears coming out of my eyes.
I looked at her. My eyes started to get itchy and i couldn't help it, so i closed them. My whole body was starting to itch. I felt like i've never showered im my whole life. I felt pain in my back. I opened my eyes and looked at her. My body was coverd with fur. Call it whatever you want. I fell on my arms. My teeth hurted so badly. My arm heald and got stranger.

"What the hell are you?"

I growled at her. I felt pain in my back again and then everything went black. I only heard her screaming for help. I felt the taste  of blood in my mouth. I didn't know how i looked like, I just felt everything. My back was itchy yet again and next thing i knew... was a calming sandation. Relief.

I was lying on my bed and thinking of school.

"Oh shit! My homework! I almost forgot."

I got out of bed. I wanted to sit on my chair when i heard something behind me. I didn't know how to describe the sound. It was scratchy and low.

"Are you lost, little one?" I asked the small creature.

It was wolf with red wings. His fur was black, dirty and he had some orange stripes that gave him even more beauty. His bloody-red eyes where looking at me. His teeth were sharp and his claws were destroying my beautiful window.

"Come in!" I said wih a smile on my face.

He jumped onto my bed and fell asleep.

"I would love to go to sleep to, but i have to do my homework." I said and started with the math.

After all the different homewor i had to do i was happy to go to bed. I could barely get off of the chair. I got up and on the way to bed i passed out. I was seeing flash lights for some time. I also saw a black, bloody beast. It was calling me. Somehow i knew what it was saying.

I woke up in bed with my little friend sleeping on my legs. I looked at him and he also woke up.

"Oh sorry. Did i wake you up? I didn't mean to." I said and pet his fluffy head.

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