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So finaly after 3 days, Ash let me and Rilley alone. I can't belive how annoyig she is.

So I went to Rilleys' place, so we could complete the plan.

"So, Rilley. We have 4 days, to complete this plan. As you can see I broke my arm for you. Ash will let you go on watch, when I attack you and kill the teacher. She wont susspect me or you because well... as you can se I have broken arm." I said.

"But then she'll think I killed her."

"No, because you will be badly damaged." I told her.

She smiled at me and nod.

With Ash wasn't much to talk about. She understand that I had fell and "broke" my arm. The plan was perfect. When the day of our attack came, I was so nervos.

Just like every other night, Kaly went out for a quick run. Once, she looked up and saw Rilley spying on her. I spotted a silver object in her left pocet. Probably a mini knife

I let out a signal for Rilley. She looked at the knife and noded. Five minutes had pass and it was the action time.

I jumped off of the tree and attacked Kaly. Rilley also jumped off, and protect her from my big ass claws.

Rilley growled at me and I saw Kally pull out her poor looking knife. With the tail, Rilley punched Karly onto the grownd, so she could be easier target. I jumped at her, but Rilley blocked me.

"I fucking hate you." I growled at her.
"And I hate Ash. Now get your dum ass over here and kill me!" Rilley roared at me and attacked me.

I scratch her across the face, when she was trying not to hurt me. O grabed her ear, and pulled it away with in her skin, so she started bleeding. When Rilley gave me a signal, that it was enough, I let her go.

I slowely walked to Kaly. She tryed to run away, but I was faster. She was holding a knife in her hands. I jumped at her. She stabed me in the chest, but that didn't stop me from slashing her throat open.

I was bleeding yea, but i went home. It was a long nasty travel.


I was lying on the grownd, in lake of my own blood. I tryed to get up, but all of my power went to cough some more blood out of my body. Now, I do regret letting Kaly to die that way. I just waited for Mark, Kaly or Ash to came to help me. But no one did.

I guess Mark already did the dirty job. At least I could ask her when I will die, before I atempt to kill her.

I don't know how much time had passed, before I heard a voice again. It was Ash! I was actualy very happy, becouse it was a terrable pain in my head.

As I heard her voice, I tryed to move, to tell her that I am alive.

"Oh my God! Rilley!" I heard her. I just quetly growled.

She asked me if I was okay. What a bitch! I was literally dying and sshe asked me if I was okay?

She picked me up and flew away. She was stronger than I thought. For the next day, I wasn't allowed to left her place. It was a dump. But when I was, I didn't wait a second.
I went straight to Mark.

"What the fuck Mark?" I yelled to him, when I saw him.


"Did you realy just let me die, on a battle feild?"

"What I thoight you were cool with it?" He said.

I wanted to slap him across the face, but I just couldn't. I rather focus on the plan B. Get rid of Ash plan.

Me and Mark were having it already. Now just a final touch. We need a perfect date, when Ash will left her house.

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