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The next day I didn't go to school. I was sitting in my front yard, reading a book titled Fire Princess. Now before you said that this book is for kids its not. Now before you say that this book is for kids; it's not. It describes every power and there is a 30% chance that you don't have them. I guess you are preaty rare then. But there is only 1.002% chance that you'll curesd.

I read it some more. There were pictures of  cursed people. Some of them were transformed into  monsters, some were just looking scary. But there was one pictures that caught my eye. It was a beast. Black fur, red stripes. Red bloody eyes, sharp teeth... It looked like a grown up wolf with red dragon wings and he looked hurt, angry and scared. When Fire saw that picture, he hid under the chair.

"Is that how I look like?" I aked myself. I turned page. Slowly. I saw Fire. He was that demon that turned people into mosnters. 

''No. That can't be! Fire isn't some demon that wants to destory the world,'' I tried to tell myself while crying. But I couldn't help it. When a beast wants blood, the beast will get it.

"Fire, we have to do something, okay? We should have rules. I don't want to hurt Zoe or anyone I love. Second, I want to see what is happening." I said to my little pet. He growled softly at me and went back to playing. 

"Oh yea... and I want you to hide. Please. I don't want you to get hurt!" I said and went to my room.

I could literally feel everything he did. I could feel every time a bee or wasp stung him and it hurt like hell. He finaly came in my room. He growled and I could tell that he was annoyed.

''Are you okay?'' I asked him, smiling. Actually laughing. He showed me his teeth and angrily went to sleep. I'm cursed. I could technically rule the world. We could. Sorry, I didn't think about Fire. 

The next day i went to school. Zoe was waiting for me. Her arms were crossed, so I knew something was wrong.

''I thought you wanted to meet yesterday. I was waiting for you,'' she said sadly. 

''Sorry.'' I tried to avoid her but she was smart. She didn't buy it. 

''I thought that you wanted to hear my experience!'' 

''I did. I just didn't feel good yesterday... I'm sorry, okay?'' I said and put my hand on my head. 

''Oh, no! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. I didn't know!''

''No, it's okay,' I said and walked with her to the lockers. Next class was P.E.  and if you know me well, you know that I fucking hate sports. I literally want to kill my sports teacher. And well... of course I will. He was terrible. Make me fucking run again and you will die.

His name is Jeff. He is old and bald. Me and Zoe weren't his favorites in class and that was because we didn't like him. He had that annoying grumpy voice that was too high for a man. He gave us one disgusting look and we knew something bad will happen.

"You girls are fat." he said and looked at Zoe. "You, with the blue shirt. Zia.. Zoe! You will run four miles today. You are just too fat for my class. Can you start eating more heathy? Please, I dont want to see such a fat girl here." He said angrily.

I understood that she wasn't the skiniest girl in class but that old man was rude! Befor we knew, all looks were on her. I won't let his happen again!

''I'm sorry, sir but you can't talk to her like that. you have to say sorry.'' told him. I just won't let some old mad bully her.

''I don't have to say anything. I was telling the truth. I mean, just look at her!''

''Don't say it or else...''

"Else what?"

"You will fucking die!" In my world that was a very common thing to say it. As you can guess he didn't care.

"Shut up, Ashley! I don't care! I am your teacher, show some respect!" He yelled, almost choking on his own words. 

''And if you'd like to run with that fat rat sooo badly, then go and run with her! Other,  skinnier girls, you go do whatever you wanted!" he completed his sentence and walked away.

The moment he turned away I felt arms around my body. Zoe was hugging me. He eyes were wet and she was almost crying.

"Thank you, Ash! I love you so much!" She said.

''Everything for friends,'' I told her and hugged her back. We got ready for the long run.  

Of course it was hard. What did you think? Four miles!?
I took Fire out of my backpack. I won't  let him sleep like that.

''Don't worry. She won't suspect anything,'' I told him. His look was on me. Then he happily growled and jumped on the floor. We went back to Zoe.

"You ready?"

''Yep. I'll take my dog with me because we have to sport a little,'' I smiled and pointed on the ground to Fire. She gave him one look and freaked out.

"Who the fuck is this cutipie!?" She yelled and literally pushed me away.

"This is Fire. As I said... he is my pet."

"Ash you are suspicious. But I belive you beacuse... how could I not!?" She said while petting his head.

I got pretty annoyed and with that, Fire got annoyed too. He growled at Zoe and ran behind me. I stood up. I looked at Zoe. She was scared.

"Is something wrong?" I asked her.

"Your eyes.."

"What's wrong with my eyes?"

"They are red..." she said a little more confident.

"Oh, shit!" I ran away from her.

Fire went with me into the forest. I ran as fast as i could and heard Zoe yelling after me to stop runing. But i didn't.

My body was itching again, and I fell to the grownd. I looked at my arms. Theye were getting furry. I felt annoying pain under my nails, they were growing to sharp little knifes. My back was hurting becuse of wings and tail I guess.

Fire couldn't control himself. He was scared of something. I could feel it. I passed out again. I guess he forgot what I asked him.

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