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I was stalking her. She was running away, from a lot of wolves. She fell. It's that her end? No. Not yet. I needed her. Nothing can happend to her. Not even wild wolfs. I jumped of the trees and roared at the wolf cardel infront of me. I showed them my big wings. She was safe behind me, still on the grownd.

I heard her scream. I turned around and kick this annoying wolf, that was bitting her arm off. She was scared, and her disgusting blood was all over me. Ew. Alpha -I guess- stteped out of the cardel. 

I growled at him. He said something to me, howled and the cardel reatreated. I was alone with her. And her name was Kaly. Kaly Tucker.


It was dark outside and nicely cold. I changed my chlotes to some dark sport chlotes and went outside. Like everday, I went to run. Now, that i moved into this beautiful forest city, I can start a new life.

Teacher life, more healthy life. I knew, that animal attacks were common here, so I took my knife with me. I started my run. Fiveteen minutes will be good. I was runing in the forest. Clean air was in my lungs. I can get use to it.

I had a feeling, someone was watching me, so I stopped. I looked around. It was dark, quiet and wet night. I didn't saw anything suspicious, so I kept on running. I kept running for another five minutes, when I stopped and sat on some leaves and drank some water.

I heard a howl. And again. I was ten minutes away from home. Today it's my day to die. I piced up my stuff, and ran as fast as I could. Soon, I saw white wolf. I turned the other way, but I fell on the grownd.

I tryed to pick up my knife, but where was it? I must had drop it on my way, or when I sat down. I turned around, to see a whole hungry cardel of wols. I guess, that I realy will die today.

I closed my eyes, and got ready to feel my end. But it didn't happend. I opened my eyes, to see a masive beast standing infront of me. It roared to cardel, and showd them his wings. I waneted to run, but I must have hurted my knee, when I fell.

Also a grey wolf on my left bit my arm. I screamed in pain. Beast turned to me, and kicked the wolf away. I looked up. My numbers have changed. I had a weak more! The white wolf walk up to the beast, that growled at him.

He must have been the alpaha.  Wolf roared back at the beast, and the cardel reatreted. Beast turned to me, growled and flew away, like nothing even happend. I was still sitting there, frezzed because of what just happend.

I snaped back to reality, and qicely ran back home. I locked myself in the house. When I turned to the table, I saw known silver object. It was my knife.

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