Worst lesson ever

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A week later the whole school knows about me beeing an Omega. Some make fun of me and some look at me with pure hatred. Kacchan tries to protect me almost all the time, well more like I'm never alone, so no one dares to really do anything.

The class accepted me too and Uraraka apologised for abmush me like she did. Most of them said how amazing I am for beeing an omega but also tried to become a hero. Most of them said I'm the first male omega they ever met. Kirishima apologised for trying to get to me while I was in heat. I just told him it's not his fault and that he doesn't have to worry.

Now we all changed into our PE clothes and head for the training area. This is more like the sport place on normal schools. Aizawa said today someone else is training us but he didn't told us who.

"Ok now that you all are here. Today we have an visiting instructor (sorry if this is wrong. I didn't find another word). He's the current number one hero and will train you today. Endeavour." Aizawa anounces and I notice how tense Shochan now is. I have the urge to take his hand but that would only end up in problems so I clench my fists to my side.

Endeavour walks up infront of the class and Aizawa leaves. "So for now you all will start with 10 laps around the area. When you finished gather here again. You have 15 minuites, whoever is slower has to do 5 more laps." Everyone groans but starts to jog along the sports field.

" Everyone groans but starts to jog along the sports field

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(They're running in these red lines. I don't know how you call them, not even in my language. But with them there is no soccer field there are different areas for long jump etc.)

Just as I want to start he walks infront of me and stops me. I look at him questioning. No one else noticed since I'm the last.

"So you're the omega I heared of." He says with venom in his voice.

"U-Umm y-yes. Is there a-a problem?" I ask a bit intimidated. I mean he's what 2 m tall and staring at me like he wants to kill me.

"I won't train a weakling like an omega. Go and sit on the bench or something. I don't care."

"I-I'm not weak. I may be an omega but I'm not weak."

"Then how about this: Sit" Against my own will I sit down on the ground. W-Why does he have it too? I thought alpha voice was rare. I start to tremble, I hate this feeling and I remember so many bad things.

"See? You're useless. Quit this stupid dream. An omega like you can never be a hero!!!" Endeavour says and he's right. I get defeated so easily and this feeling is overwhelming me. My sight gets blurry from the tears that well up.

"What the hell did you do to him?!" Shochan asks his dad running up next to me. Kacchan comes to my other side.

"I just showed this omega his place."

"The hell?! You don't have any right to decide his place. What did you do?! He looks frightend!!" Shochan asks now standing infront of me, to protect me from his fathers gaze.

Depressed Omega (Todobakudeku)Where stories live. Discover now