(3) 3AM kitchen dancing

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"What are you doing up this late tubs-"

Ranboo walked into the kitchen, he was tired. So very tired. He heard some music coming from the kitchen. He was originally sleeping on the couch but the noise was too much for him.

He wasn't adjusted YET to the British sleeping schedule, so he fell asleep very early for Tubbo's time. He was so tired at early-ish parts of the day because of his work, but not today. Today he fell asleep at a reasonable time.

Tubbo would always talk about how he would get up to "3 AM Kitchen dancing", but he didn't actually believe him. It was just a bit, I mean. That's pretty late to be just dancing in the kitchen, and he could wake up his family!

He thought it was just a joke until he heard it one night. It was 3 AM and Ranboo was sleeping. Until he wasn't. 'Music?' he asked in his head, and he was correct. It was just some music from Tubbo's chill playlist blasted in the room.

Even with pillows over his ears, he couldn't sleep that way. He decided to go investigate into the kitchen.

"I've already told you this big man, just some 3 AM Kitchen dancing, nothing out of the ordinary."


"Mm, no. Now like I said before, come here and join me."

"Tubbo- you know I can't dance."

"Neither can I bossman, now let's do it."

Tubbo grabbed Ranboo's hand and pulled him from the door frame into the Kitchen. He was tall, too tall. So it took a bit to reach him but he grabbed him. Ranboo completely went along with this, I mean? Why would he not? And he can't refuse Tubbo, he'll be guilt-tripped if he doesn't.

"What, do you want a bit of ~tango~, ballet if you will?" Tubbo said jokingly.

Ranboo laughed a bit before saying "I don't know, anything. Just make sure not to kick me in the balls, please?"

"Fine.. just this once." Tubbo laughed.

Ranboo grabbed Tubbo's hands, 'small.' he thought and smiled. He spun him around multiple times, slowly but carefully. They didn't know how to dance well, but they tried. Their bodies loosely moving together and apart.

Both of them wearing their Philza merch of the same size, too oversized on Tubbo, just right on Ranboo. Ranboo laughed a bit at the height difference, it was so exaggerated he thought, that some people could think it's not real, but it was. It was kinda funny to Ranboo, and he thought it was a bit cute when Tubbo got angry about how tall he is.

They danced together, uncoordinated moving of their feet and bodies. They were smiling so hard, they didn't care about anything else at that time. They only cared about each other at the moment.

They danced until they were too tired to do it again, they smiled and went to sleep. Ranboo sleeping on the couch, Tubbo sleeping on his bed.

Word count: 509

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