(4) sleepwalking

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HELLO so this one is actually by goatlysacrifices on ao3 but it was amazing so i decided to show y'all it, if the author states they're uncomfortable w this lmk and I'll take it down<3 go follow them!

Tubbo was a planner, he liked to take things into account when he was thinking ahead.

There was really only so much he could physically prepare for, though.

By the time Ranboo had actually arrived in the UK, he had run through so many scenarios in the back of his mind that he was almost certain nothing could take him off guard. Every possible situation that could arise had been considered carefully, a plan of action thought through for anything and everything that varied in severity from unprompted nosebleeds to unexpected earthquakes.

The cupboards were fully stocked up with as many snacks as he could fit in his Tesco Express basket, the cables in his studio rigged to properly support two PCs in the same room, he had even checked that Ranboo was all set the morning of his flight over.

Ranboo had decided to trick him into thinking that he hadn't packed anything yet, but that was hardly something that was within Tubbo's control—the guy was just a dick.

It was all settled, Tubbo peacefully climbed into bed the night before knowing for sure that nothing would throw him a curveball.

He didn't sleep quite as peacefully the next night.

See, the one thing he had forgotten to foresee was that Ranboo was absolutely incapable of staying in his godforsaken bed for the entire night because, well, why would he fucking guess that?

It seemed the younger teen himself didn't even know the full extent of his night-time escapades, as Tubbo was fairly sure he would have gotten at least a little forewarning should that have been the case.

But no, Tubbo was left to find that out himself at the wonderful time of four in the morning—awakening slowly to the creeping dread that someone was staring at him in his sleep.

He was right of course, Ranboo stood stock still at the foot of his bed; the faint sounds of heavy breathing the only thing to echo off the bare walls in the almost silence.

Groaning, Tubbo sat up in bed to turn on the lamp beside him, watching as the golden glow slowly illuminated his friend's face from below in a borderline ominous manner.

Neither of them spoke for a solid minute, the absurdity of the situation only growing by the second.

"...what's up, man?" Tubbo asked tentatively, squinting up at Ranboo in the dim lighting of the room. He didn't respond, because of course he didn't—choosing instead to stay looming at the edge of Tubbo's bed. "Did you, like... need something?"

If it wasn't for the glazed over look to his half opened eyes, Tubbo would have assumed he was just ignoring him. Standing over his bed in the dead of night just to be annoying and pretending he's gone deaf just to sweeten the deal.

Sighing, Tubbo got up from the warmth of his covers and stood up to his full height, still having to look up to see any signs of life from the younger (not that there were many).

"Is something wrong?" he tried again, eyebrows raising at the heavy breath the other took in.

"I don't have any. You'll have to ask for them instead."

It was such a surreal moment that Tubbo wasn't entirely sure it had even happened at first, the sounds of the birds outside the window suddenly the only sound to pull his attention.

There was a solid minute or so that passed with the two just looking at each other before Ranboo turned on his heel and walked his way back over to his own bed, collapsing face first with no effort made to tuck himself back under the duvet.

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