(14) Soulmates

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Love, soulmates, adults always said it was a confusing thing.

Something that you could spend your whole life searching for, only to realize it was right in front of you the entire time, or maybe you missed it a couple years back, or realize you were just about to experience it.

It was something that happened randomly, that in a moment you finally connect the dots and just know that they are your soulmate. That's what happened to Ranboo, at least, when he was standing in the airport, spotting his online best friend in person for the first time.

Ranboo rushed towards Tubbo, leaving his bags where they were, pulling the shorter boy into a hug despite knowing his aversion to touch. Ranboo made sure he didn't cry as he looked down at Tubbo in joy.

"You're here." Tubbo breathed out, smiling.

"You're short." Ranboo joked, pulling away. He looked Tubbo up and down, living, real Tubbo, not some pixels on his phone screen during one of their calls, not some small facecam in one of his streams, real. It was like a dream, honestly.

Tubbo made a face at Ranboo's comment. "I can kick you in the shins now, I'll let you know. Or leave you in a random street so you get lost."

"If you tried any of that I'd punt you, okay? Tiny boy." Ranboo nudged Tubbo's shoulder, laughing as his hand was swatted away.

"Get your bags, we don't want to miss the train." Tubbo turned, leaving Ranboo to scramble and move quickly to catch up.

Love didn't have to be romantic.

It didn't have to be platonic, either.

There were many forms of love, adoration, appreciation, even lust.

Sometimes it was hard to figure out what type of love you were feeling, but Ranboo knew that he loved Tubbo.

Sitting with him on the Metro, the two falling into their regular habits of bantering with each other, being able to lean over and show each other things on their phones.

There finally was no timezone, no ocean, no country borders separating them. It was nice.


Love was occasionally a deep care in your heart, to make sure the people you adored were safe. And not being attacked by banshees because you two agreed to ghost-bust a haunted house for some quick cash.

Tubbo was shaking, chest heaving as he tried to quiet his breathing.

He did not want to die tonight- he really was trying not to panic.

His knees buckled as he drew himself up in the closet, curling in a corner.

Ranboo was somewhere else in the house, Tubbo was worried for him, but not worried enough to go Out There With The Spooky Ghost.

Tubbo wrapped his arms around his knees, squeezing his eyes shut and just focusing so he didn't terrify himself. Ghosts fed on fear, right?

No fear.

Except when Tubbo heard the closet door open a bit forcefully, nearly screaming as he backed as far into the corner as was possible.

Until he realized it was Ranboo, who let out a sigh of relief, just dropping everything he was holding to pull Tubbo into a hug.

"Oh thank god you're alright, I thought something happened- t-that it got you-" Ranboo voice broke, Tubbo burying his head into the crook of Ranboo's neck.

"I wanna go home, Ranboo, or at least to the van. Please." Tubbo spoke softly, feeling better that Ranboo was there.

"Don't worry, I dealt with everything. It's safe." Ranboo pressed a kiss to Tubbo's forehead, he was genuinely so relieved that Tubbo was okay.

The moment the banshee appeared and the two split off into different directions to run, Ranboo felt horrible dread. He knew the banshee hadn't gone after him, so he hunted it down. Then he was met with a silent house, Tubbo was nowhere to be found. Banshees were known for going after one person until they were completely dead and Ranboo thought for a second-

"Did you show him jesus?" Tubbo weakly tried to joke.

Ranboo smiled. "Yeah, I did. Let's go." Ranboo helped Tubbo up, pulling him by the hand, just letting their hands interlock.

He was not going to lose Tubbo again.

Love, it was nice and domestic. Waking up in the same bed as your lover, going to shops in the morning, fishing everyday, rod dick jokes, comparing fish lengths.

Nice and domestic.

"NO ANOTHER CHUB." Ranboo groaned as he unhooked the fish, tossing it back.

"Ha- only 12 inches? Mines longer." Tubbo smirked as he baited his hook.

"Noo, it's just- it's just about angles. Stop making me insecure."

"But it's true, I'm just bigger. Admit it." Tubbo loved making fun of Ranboo.

"I will Not. I refuse." Ranboo cast his line back into the water.

"If you refuse to admit I'm bigger, say cress." Tubbo demanded.

Ranboo raised an eyebrow. "Cress?"


It took everything in Ranboo not to push Tubbo off the dock right there and then, Tubbo nearly falling off just from cackling at his own stupidity.

Ranboo shook his head, faux disappointment coming from him. "I hate you so much." His words contradicted his tone, just love and endearment.

Tubbo smiled. "Sure you do, big guy."

"See you said I was big-"

Tubbo rolled his eyes. "Oh just shut up, ask me to call you big when you actually catch a fish." Ranboo shoved the can he just reeled up into a bin a bit violently.

"I'm gonna take my perfectly big fish and go sell them, thank you very much." Ranboo got up, taking his equipment.

"Can you buy a better rod for me, my beloved?" Tubbo asked, using his sweet talking. Ranboo nodded, about to say something, before being cut off by Tubbo, "because yours just isn't big enough for me."

Ranboo groaned. "You suck." He shouldered his gear, walking away.

He'd still get a new fishing rod for Tubbo, he couldn't say no to the boy.


wordcount: 1012

beeduo bc nobody writes abt them<3Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon