(8) Rodent?

315 14 2

kinda uh cool

Ranboo walked over to the cage, stretching out his arms. He smiled at the sight of Michael, Jjjjjjjjeffery, and Jonald happily play-fighting with each other. The teen opened the door to the cage, watching the three scramble up and over to the opening, sniffing and squeaking in interest.

"Shh, guys, come on, no shoving." Ranboo gently reached into the cage, picking up one squirming rat after the other. He put them onto his shoulders, laughing as their claws gripped his neck. "Hey, hey, no claws-"

He walked over to the pen he had set up, stepping over the tall walls and sitting down into the middle of it. With careful hands, the teen took the rodents off his shoulders and set them onto the floor. Each rat scurried around with interest, sniffing the carpeted floor.

Ranboo watched them, occasionally reaching out to scratch their little ears or to ruffle their fur. The rats ran around him happily, climbing up his legs or nibbling his fingers. He laughed at their antics.

Suddenly, his phone rang. Startled by the noise, the rats hurried over to him and hid in the shade of his crossed legs. With a small sigh, he whispered quiet reassurances to the animals before standing, exiting the pen, and grabbing his phone off the desk.

"Heeeeeeeey!!! Raaaanboooooob!!!"
"Pff. Hiya, Tubbo."

Ranboo walked back into the pen and sat, rubbing the top of Michael's head with a smile. "Why ya callin?"

"Just 'cause."
"Mmhmm! OH, Ranboo, have I told you about-"

Tubbo was cut off by a loud squeak. Ranboo looked over, biting back a laugh as Jjjjjjjjeffery and Jonald started fighting. "Hold up, one second, the rats are fighting again-"

"Rats?! Ranboo, what do you mean, rats?"
He chuckled as he separated the two, booping their noses and letting them nibble his fingers. "Pet rats. I have pet rats, Tubbo."

The teen bit back a laugh as Michael scrambled to climb his arm, falling back down with a shocked squeak. "Mmhmm. Michael, Jeffery with eight J's, and Jonald."

"You never asked about them."

"You can come over to see them, if you want. I have them in a pen right now."

He laughed. "Sure! Don't scare Eret- she's in the kitchen right now."
Tubbo hung up abruptly. Ranboo smiled warmly, setting his phone down. He grabbed a treat from his shirt pocket, holding it above the three rats. "Come on! Jump for it- like I taught you!"

Ranboo hummed, playing with the rats for a bit. Then, there came a muffled crash from downstairs, along with excited yelling. He heard the stairs creak- ah, that must be Tubbo.

His door swung open, revealing a very excited and very sweaty Tubbo. The brunette grinned. "I have arrived!"

"Welcome! The rodents greet you."

As if on cue, the three rats started running to the pen walls, sniffing curiously. Tubbo entered the room, closing the door behind him. He walked towards the pen, looking to Ranboo. "Can I?"

"Yeah! Come on in- but be careful. You don't wanna startle or step on them."

Tubbo nodded, sitting down with a large, goofy smile on his face. "So, which ones which? Wait, that sounds bad-"

"No, no, it's fine." Ranboo chuckled. "This one's Jjjjjjjjeffery," He pointed at a white-and-brown rat, his tail waving slightly. "That's Michael," The albino rat looked up, nose twitching. Half of the poor little guy's face was scarred, all fur missing. "He's my son. And this one is Jonald."

Jonald looked up, squeaking. The grey rat almost looked offended, but walked over and climbed onto Tubbo's leg with almost no hesitation. Tubbo gasped, eyes wide and star-struck as he stared.

"Ranboob. Ranboo. Ranboo My Beloved, what do I do." He whispered hurriedly, still in awe as Jonald crawled around on his thigh. Ranboo chuckled, scooping up Michael and putting him onto Tubbo's shoulder. The teen squeaked, going stone still. He grabbed Jjjjjjjjeffery and put him on Tubbo's other shoulder, trying not to laugh.

All three rats sniffed around excitedly. Michael started to try and climb down Tubbo's front, falling into his lap. Tubbo looked ready to explode. Out of excitement, joy, or fear, Ranboo couldn't tell.

"How come I never knew about them?!" He whispered excitedly, bouncing a bit.

"You never asked. I figured you knew, actually. You've seen me with rat food before, Tubbo."
"...I may be a bit stupid-"

Ranboo guffawed at that, accidently startling some of the rats. Jonald slid down Tubbo's back onto the floor with an offended squeal. He kept laughing, hair falling in front of his eyes. Ugh, he had to re-dye it soon- and probably cut it, too.

"But seriously, Boo, you are so cool. This is so cool- rats! They're so cute! I'm adopting Michael, he's mine now."

"Wha- no! That's my son!"
"We can share him! Switched custody, or whatever."
"That happens after divorce , Tubs-"
"Then divorce me!"
"We aren't married?!"
"Marry me! And then divorce me!"

Word count: 884

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