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'Let's began the game, shall we?' Jungkook screamed in pain as that guy again shoot him in his leg. He kneeled more on his other leg as he immediately pressed the button on his wrist watch to inform his other members that he is in danger. 'Fuck!' He groaned as his heart broke when he recalled the incident of him locking you in the room.

Your brother Seokjin and Namjoon were in New York for some drug dealer's purpose. Jungkook as well as Seokjin, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, Yoongi were in a team and 7 of them were the boss. Seokjin and Namjoon were the main boss of New York's base, the others handled Daegu, Busan and Seoul's base.

His wrist watch can give signal to this 6 persons who also have this watch. Jimin and Hoseok came to the location first as they quickly called for the ambulance and their other guards. Jungkook gasped for air when the man chocked him. But he was skilled enough as he turned the man and sat on to of him, punching him to death mercilessly.

His secretary came to help the man as she tried to take Jungkook off from the man. Jungkook's blood was flowing more as he was slowly becoming weak yet he gave his best to stay alive until his members come.

A loud noise echoed to the whole bridge as Jungkook saw Hoseok shooting his traitor secretary. The man pushed Jungkook and started to run to the bridge to jump off. Jimin was shooting the man's guards and the other traitor. Soon Taehyung and Yoongi came as they took the situation in control.

The man jumped as Taehyung jumped as well to catch the man no before Yoongi shooting the man's leg. Jungkook was slowly becoming unconscious as he fainted not before saying, 'I am sorry.'




Jungkook was in the hospital. The bullets which were in his stomach and in the leg was now removed. As he was shoot in his stomach which was right under his heart, his survival chances were 50%. But he survived. Seokjin and Namjoon came today as they had to buy ticket and they were far away from Korea.

Running towards Jungkook's room, the guys entered as soon as the doctor said Jungkook is awake. 'Jungkook! How are you feeling?!' Seokjin said. 'Good,' he replied shortly as his throat was hurting. 

'He can leave after staying for 1 week as he is still a little weak.' The doctor said as they nodded. 'Jungkook, Jin hyung and I came today, is Y/N home? Then we will go there and put our luggage there,' Namjoon said. 'Of course Y/N will be there. The day Jungkook had this accident, they went on a date, right?' Seokjin said.

'Date?' Namjoon said. 'Yeah, Y/N called me and told me as she was so excited. Jungkook reached there a little late I guess as she texted me till 11 o'clock.' Jungkook's heartbeat fasten at Seokjin's words. 'W-we had a date that night?!' Jungkook thought as Seokjin said, 'But if Jungkook is here then there will be no chance that Y/N won't be here, is she home Taehyung?'

'I-I don't know hyung. I didn't saw her since Jungkook's accident,' Taehyung said honestly as Seokjin stood there frozen. 'S-she is okay right?' Seokjin asked to everyone, not to a specific person as Jungkook remembered that he locked you in the room. 

He gasped as he quickly pushed the blanket and threw the wires in his hand before walking to the exit. 'Yah! What happened?!' Jimin said. 'I-I know where Y/N i-is,' he didn't wait as he walked to Taehyung's car which was parked in the parking area and turned on the car with the key he took while coming to the parking area from Taehyung.

The guys started to follow him as Jungkook started to mutter, 'Please babe, h-hang on. I-I am coming. OH GOD! WHAT THE FUCK I HAVE DONE!' He cried as he drove to his house recklessly. He knew you are afraid of dark, you have little space syndrome and it is high chance that you will be slipping in to little space as you were scared as hell that time.

Reaching to the house, he opened the car door and ran to the house not even closing the car door. Not too later, the guys reached as well as they saw Jungkook going inside of the house. Jungkook ran to the cabinet where he has put the key of the room and immediately rushed to the room.

The click sound was too loud as the whole house was too quite. Opening the door he saw you........... laying on the ground...........your dress's was half torn..........you were unconscious..... running towards, completely ignoring the intense pain in his body, he kneeled down in front of you.

His eyes were blurry because of tears. He sobbed and took you in his arms trying to wake you up. 'Y/N!!!!!' Seokjin screamed before rushing towards you as well. 'Call the ambulance!' Seokjin said to Yoongi who was the 3rd one to come to the room. The other guys came together as Taehyung walked to where you were laying. 

Jimin took off his jacket and kneeled in front of you slightly wearing the jacket as your dress was half torn. 'The ambulance is on the way!' Hoseok said who was standing beside Yoongi and yelled as soon as Yoongi was done talking with the ambulance.

Taking you in bridal style, Jungkook walked to the entrance, Seokjin was beside him, holding your hand, giving some warmth as your hands were cold. The ambulance came after 6 minutes as Seokjin and Jungkook sat on the ambulance. The other guys followed the ambulance.

Taking you to the hospital room, all of them was stopped by a nurse saying they should wait here. Jungkook cried more and more as Seokjin sat beside him. 'HOW THE FUCK SHE WAS LOCKED THERE?! LOOKING AT YOUR EXPRESSION AND HOW YOU WENT TO FIND THE KEY, IT SEEMS LIKE YOU KNEW SHE WAS LOCKED THERE! DON'T YOU FUCKING KNOW THAT SHE IS SCARED OF DARK AND HAS LITTLE SPACE SYNDROME?!!'

Seokjin was now grabbing Jungkook's collar as the guys tried to separate them. 'I-I am sorry h-hyung.... I am s-sorry.' Jungkook sobbed as he said sorry again and again before telling what happened. 'Are you FUCKING CRAZY?! EVERYONE HERE KNOWS HOW Y/N IS! SHE.... SHE NEVER EVER WILL CHEAT ON YOU! SHE........ SHE WAS SO GOD DAMN EXCITED FOR THE DATE AND YOU.......... HOW DARE YOU TO MAKE HER FEEL UNWANTED?! HUH?!'

Seokjin was also sobbing now as he punched Jungkook's jaw making him fall back. Yoongi pushed Seokjin away from Jungkook and said, 'Don't fight among each other! We should now pray that she is okay!' 'She...... She hasn't ate anything for 3 days!' Suddenly Taehyung yelled which made everyone of them  knock some sense that you were starving as well.

Jungkook gulped and whipped the blood which was coming from his mouth because of the punch Seokjin gave him when one of the doctor came. 'D-doctor! How is she?! H-how is my Y/N?!' Jungkook said as the doctor said, 'Listen the patient had little space syndrome! We have to get the doctor who is in charge of little space. She hasn't ate for maybe 3 or 4 days. Her condition is bad. She was in cold till now. We have higher up the temperature, still we don't know if she can survive.........'


✔Locking you after an argument |Jungkook FF|Where stories live. Discover now