15. Confessions

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Friday 4th of June 2021

A day had passed since the second earthquake, a magnitude of 7.1. The biggest one yet. The aftershocks quite strong as well, ranging from a magnitude of 2 to even 5.4. It was easy for people to now estimate the magnitude of the aftershocks with so many of them still occurring. It almost became a game between people, guessing the magnitude to try to keep the mood somewhat light.

24 hours without contact. 24 hours of worry, fear and anxiety. 24 hours of not knowing what's going to happen next. 24 hours of not knowing if the other one was okay. Or in Stefania's case, not knowing how her family was. She knew her best friend Leco was probably alright since he was working on shooting in Rome. He might have felt the shocks but it would definitely not be as bad as it was in Sicily.

Stefania had gone through a whirlwind of emotions these past 24 hours. Her ankle was still sprained but the adrenaline had kicked in the moment she ran out of the house and seeing her father hurt on the floor. Her father was working in the front garden, standing on a ladder on which he lost his balance as he and the ladder fell down.

He broke his fall with his arms, the ladder landing on his legs. His head scraped the stone floor resulting in an painful wound, luckily not a deep one. His neighbor across the street had helped him get out underneath the ladder, dragging him to the street, not being able to walk himself as his body responded to the shock of what had just happened.

His pain was very evident the past 24 hours, as he was only able to take ibuprofens as emergency services were still out, having a difficulty accessing some neighborhoods. Stefania and his neighbors were doing everything they could to make him feel comfortable. He himself suspected that he had broken a bone in his left leg. His head wound was attended to by his daughter and his dislocated shoulder was popped back in by the neighbor across, who was studying to become a doctor himself.

Everyone in their street were now camping on the street, it was safer to be outside, even during the nights. If you had not known about the reasoning for everyone camping outside, some could say it was almost a beautiful sight. A community coming together, camping outside on the street with tents and other creative ways to shelter the mattresses that laid on the street. The people had tried to make it somewhat homey for the children who were scared by putting up fairy lights and decorations.

Luckily food and water was not an issue as of yet, plus the people were hopeful that help was on its way. Several people needing some medical help. Stefania had attended to some minor cuts that some children from her street had gotten. Kids always loved Stefania. She wasn't so sure about wanting kids herself but she did love kids. She was a natural with kids.

Keeping busy was a way to distract Stefania from her own feelings and thoughts. She was scared of resting, scared of her thoughts taking over. "Bambina," her papa called over for her, signaling for her to come. "You are going to sit down, rest and drink," he said sternly. Stefania tried to hold in her eye roll. She knew he was right and that she should take a rest, feeling her ankle throb.

She let herself rest on the mattress she pulled out of her house, resting her head on a pillow while holding another pillow close to her for some comfort. It scared her, to lie down in bed. The continuous vibrations in her body still making an appearance. It was almost like her body and mind didn't allow her to rest, ready to jump up at any point. Ready to get herself to safety.

Her mind was clouded with scary 'what if's' scenarios. The only thing that kept her mind somewhat clear, was the thought of Danielle. She felt herself thinking more and more about Danielle since she left for Brazil. Danielle occupied her mind now more than ever, it was almost like she was her safety blanket. She felt safe thinking about Danielle, wishing to be in her arms. Shielded from all the scary and bad situations.

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