22. Come back to me baby

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The same day

"Bambina, what is it?" worry lacing Stefania's voice. She put on her robe before sitting down next to Danielle on the bed, taking her hand in her own. The blonde was starting to breathe heavily.

Stefania shifted herself onto the bed, resting her back against the head board. "Vieni qui," patting the space between her legs as an indication for the blonde to sit between them.

"I can't, I have to call my mom right now," she said panic lacing her voice. As she was about to stand up, Stefania pulled her back on the bed. "No bambina, you need to calm down first. Please come here," she said warmly, opening her arms for her to come into.

Reluctantly, Danielle obliged. Stefania wrapped her arm around the blonde, the other guiding her to her chest. She could hear the rapid breathing coming from the woman laying on her chest, "Listen to my heartbeat," she instructed.

She felt conflicted, letting Stefania be there for her. Sure, she had been there for her before but there was something about her being there in the heat of the moment. She was used to taking care of things on her own, especially when she was struggling.

What she was struggling with most was why it wasn't just her family that called. Why did they include Barret? She contemplated who to call first.

"What's going on in that head of yours bella?" she heard, still feeling a tight embrace from Stefania. Her breathing had slowed down, the heartbeat from Stefania having calmed her almost instantly. She moved herself up to hide her face in the crook of her neck.

"Danielle?" trying to get her attention, playing with her soft blonde hair. "I don't like it when you call me by my full name," she pouted, realizing that she actually really liked having Stefania be there for her. She felt extra clingy.

"Okay, Dani. What's going on in that head of yours?" Stefania smirked. "Well I guess Dani is better than Danielle," she said, trying to avoid the question. She twirled the end of Stefania's hair over her finger, trying to distract herself from her thoughts.

"Danielle," Stefania said firmly, feeling the blonde tense up slightly. "Talk to me baby," she softly followed, feeling the tension in her body subside. A small smile appeared on her face. She loved whenever Stefania would call her bella and bambina but hearing her say baby was something special.

She sighed before answering, "I'm not good at expressing my feelings verbally," she said feeling insecure. "At first I thought someone in my family died. Cause why would my family call so many times?" Stefania hummed in understanding.

"But they called Barret. They never call my friends. Not even when I was younger and I'm a grown up now. My family have always been involved in my life but never with my friends,"

Danielle shifted herself down, resting her head on Stefania's left boob. Her ear on top of her heart so she could hear and feel her heartbeat. Both her arms sneaked around her waist, her upper body now fully resting on Stefania.

"So why do you think they called Barret?" she asked, caressing the blonde's back. "I honestly have no clue," releasing a big breath. "I don't know what to do," she helplessly said.

"Hmm," Stefania hummed, thinking of what advice she could give her bambina. "How about you call Barret first? She might be able to somewhat prepare you," Danielle let that idea sink in for a bit.

She propped her head up, placing her chin between Stefania's boobs. "You're smart," she smiled, looking up at the beautiful Italian. "You're so beautiful," a thought escaping her mouth, quickly hiding her face in Stefania's boobs once more.

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