16. You're not close enough

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The same day

"Stef?" Danielle asked softly, Stefania could now see a shadow in front of her. Her heart sped up, her breathing becoming as she looked up in the eyes of the woman she was yearning for. Danielle.

Stefania was in shock, her mouth falling open, not believing that the woman she was yearning for, was standing right in front of her. Danielle was waiting expectantly, getting impatient as she wanted to lunge herself into Stefania's arms. However, she wanted to prevent an awkward situation since Stefania's father was right next to her, who was looking between her and his daughter.

"Hi mr. Spampinato, I'm Danielle," She held her hand out which he happily took, "It's nice to finally meet you," he replied. Stefania was still perplexed, staring at Danielle. Her father pinched her shoulder, "Where are your manners Stefania?"

The pinch brought her back to reality, finally throwing herself into Danielle's arms, Danielle dropping her bags in the process to catch the brunette. Danielle lifted the brunette off the ground, as she felt Stefania's leg tighten around her waist. Her arms held onto Stefania tightly, not ever wanting to let go. Their bodies finally melting together again, the craving subsiding, allowing themselves to be consumed by each other's touch.

Danielle felt her neck becoming wet, as Stefania was now crying, her face nuzzled in her neck. She tried to balance herself, so she could hold Stefania with one arm, while the other made her way to her head. "Shh, I'm here beautiful," her voice breaking, her face pressed against Stefania's shoulder. Stefania slowly untangled her legs from Danielle, allowing herself to stand up again now that she was trusting her legs enough again to hold herself up.

Stefania's hands moved to the blonde's head, tangling her fingers in her hair. Danielle's hands migrated towards the brunette's shoulders, holding on like her life depended on it. They both were in their own world, inhaling each other's scent, not caring about the looks that they were receiving.

After a solid two minutes of just holding each other, Stefania pulled back, her left arm still on the blonde's waist. Eyes locking with the blue eyes in front of her, her face changing as the shock had evaporated, at least for now. Furrowing her forehead, she slapped the blonde on the shoulder, resulting in a painful groan from Danielle. "Hey, what was that for?" she asked, though she had an inkling of what the slap was for.

"You can't be here! It's not safe, I want you to go back home," she firmly said, trying to get her point across by stomping her foot on the ground and pointing her finger at Danielle like she was a little child. Danielle knew that a response like this was bound to happen, finding the whole stomping on the floor quite endearing as she tried to hold back her laugh. "Danielle Kathleen Savre, this is not funny!"

Danielle couldn't hold in her laughter anymore, "You're cute when you're mad," Stefania's furrowed forehead changed to a soft look of adoration for the blonde. A slight blush appearing on her face, which she tried to hide by looking down so her hair fell in front of her cheeks.

The blonde had to fight the urge to not grab the brunette's face right there, wanting to pull her in for a kiss. "Uh hmm," Stefania's father made his presence known again, both women somehow forgetting about his presence for a bit. Both faced him, Stefania changed to Italian, "I'm sorry papa, can she stay with us? Just until I convince her to go home?" she asked, glad that the American could not understand her.

Her father had always known that his daughter was into both men and woman. It was something her mama had pointed out to him. He was conflicted at first but his wife soon changed that, showing him that her sexuality did not change anything about his daughter. He however had never brought it up to his daughter, wanting her to open up about it towards him herself.

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