17. An explosion of warm fuzziness

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Saturday 5th of June 2021

The jetlag had set in for Danielle as she struggled to fall asleep again. It was now early morning, Stefania was still holding on for dear life like a koala bear. Danielle was warm and Stefania's leg was pushing on her bladder, it had been for the past two hours. Stefania was looking so peacefully and so well rested, that she decided against untangling from her koala, just for Stefania's sake.

Her mind drifted off to the events from yesterday, feeling overwhelmed with everything that happened. She had some assumptions on how the reunion would go but to her, it was the best reunion she could've wished for. She knew she lied to the receptionist about visiting her girlfriend, but yesterday actually felt like they were 'more'.

Besides the show, they had never been this physical. There had never been this much tension between them. The good tension, where she felt butterflies all the time, where she felt the need to be centimeters away from her, the need to kiss her. It was like her whole body yearned for Stefania's presence, both mentally and physically. They had never been this touchy before, but it felt so good and natural to the blonde.

The second they interlocked their eyes for the first time, Danielle felt home again. Almost as if Stefania was the piece that was missing in her life and heart that made her complete. It was a blissful moment, one that she would never forget. Cause right there and then, Danielle knew for sure that she could never see Stefania just as a best friend. She wanted Stefania to be apart of her life, forever.

There was however, one thing that made the blonde doubt everything. When Danielle walked up to the Italian, she could see the box that she'd gifted, on her lap and a letter in her hand. Once she got close enough, she recognized which letter Stefania was reading immediately. She was already nervous enough for seeing her reaction with her just showing up, but her nerves quickly turned into anxiety. What did this mean? Why did Stefania open that letter?

Throughout the rest of the day she had kind of forgotten about the letter because they were both so consumed with each other. There wasn't really a time or place to think about it. Now however, that she was awake laying in bed with Stefania tangled into her, that was all she could think about.

Stefania had not brought up the letter and she hadn't acted differently towards her but she was desperate to know how she felt about the letter. Especially since Danielle was ready to take the next step with her. She looked at the sleeping brunette who was laying on her boobs as she felt the slow but hot breaths on her skin, which send shivers through her body.

She started to trace her finger along her skin, starting from her temple, to her cheek, to the corner of her lips. She swiftly rubbed her thumb over the Italians lips, fighting the urge to kiss her lips. Danielle's touch made Stefania stir awake. She moved her finger to her neck, slowly tracing her finger gently and slowly down to her shoulder, all the way to her hand.

Stefania's body shivered at the blonde's touch, instantly filling her with butterflies. A small groan left her mouth accidentally as she nuzzled her face further into the crook of Danielle's neck. "Good morning angel face," Danielle said with a smile, "Hmm," was all she got as a response which made her laugh. "Okay, I think I should rephrase my good morning. Good morning grumpy koala,"

Danielle suddenly tried to get out of Stefania's grip as she felt herself being tickled by her but the Italian's grip was too strong since she was still practically on top of her. "Stoppp, pleasssee," she said, trying not to laugh which she was failing at. "Take that back," Stefania said, tickling the blonde further. "No!" Danielle screamed and tried to wriggle her way out of her grasp almost succeeding.

Stefania was quicker and pressed her down into the mattress, straddling the blonde as she pinned her wrist above her head. The blonde gasped, shocked by the Italian's action, a familiar feeling shooting down between her legs. The brunette knew that feeling all too well herself as she was feeling the exact same way. She pressed her hips down, aiming to move closer to the blonde's face.

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