Chapter One Hundred Four

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Chapter One Hundred Four


I think I might be asleep and dreaming right now. I swear I just heard Dani say she thinks she loves me. It takes every ounce of my strength and training to keep my heart rate steady and to stop me from jumping with joy right now. I want to believe she said that; I'm pretty certain those words left her mouth. I'm not so sure she meant to say them out loud, but I'll take what I'm given. It's a major step forward for Dani. I'm sure she doesn't understand the things she's feeling. I mean, I didn't know what true love felt like until I met Dani. Not that I knew exactly what it was when I first felt it. How much harder must it be for her to comprehend everything she's now experiencing. I don't doubt for one second that she has feelings for me. I know that is true. I just don't think she knows what she's feeling or how to express that. I'm waiting for the day she can freely tell me she loves me, but I won't put pressure on her or expect it to happen. I want her to do that in her own time, otherwise she won't really mean it. It has to be natural for her, and that may take some time.

Still, even if she just said those words in a dream state or subconsciously, she said them. I'm not imagining that just because I want to hear those words, right? I've never suffered with a wild imagination. I've always been a bare facts and real events kind of guy. I see it as it is, and that's how I tell it. So, I'm pretty sure I didn't make it up. That leaves me with an amazing feeling, almost like I'm floating and I'm sure I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

As I wake up, I'm aware of something tickling my chest. I fight every instinct to jump up and see what it is, because I know Dani's in bed and I don't want to scare her. Instead, I just lay still, waiting and listening to my surroundings, hoping to find out what it is. When my mind clears a little, I realize it's Dani's fingers and she's tracing the splatter of freckles on my chest. I almost smile at the thought of it. I don't know where her courage has come from, but I'm not about to stop it. I do, however, have to focus on something else so I don't get too excited at the endearing moment.

I hear her whisper, "This one could be a star. If you draw a line to here, then it makes a big star. I think this one could be a dog. I like dogs..."

This is actually too cute and I really want to tell her so, but I'm worried it'll stop her from her display of affection. I simply lay still, waiting to see what happens next. I feel a tiny tap on my skin, where my heart is located and Dani's words almost make me inhale sharply.

"This is your best part. I know I can't tell you this normally, well, I sort of am, but you won't know it. Your heart is just amazing. I don't know why or how you decided to help me, but I am so grateful you did. You have such a big heart and I only hope I can give you mine someday. One day, when I'm not so scared or unsure, maybe it'll all be different."

She places a brief kiss over my heart and I can't fake it anymore. I stretch and groan, like I've just woken up. I crack my eyes open and Dani jumps up. She doesn't look scared, more like she's been caught out.


I eye her cautiously, like I'm confused about her movement away from me.

"You ok, baby? Did I do something I shouldn't have in my sleep?"

She lets out a long breath, "No sir. Just didn't know you were awake."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

She eyes me carefully, and I ensure that my features are blank or confused looking, so she doesn't know what I heard. She must decide everything is safe, because she says, "It's ok, Eli. I just wasn't expecting you to be awake already. We don't have to get up just yet."

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