Chapter Ninety

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Chapter Ninety


Eli gets back from work late on Friday evening. He says they were called out to an incident late into the evening and they had to assist with a raid and an arrest. Something is bothering him though. He's quieter than usual, almost like he's worried about something. Considering he has said he only ever worries about me, it must be something to do with me. We watch a movie in the living room with Connie and Don before heading to bed at midnight. I'm getting pretty good at using these crutches and I think I could go back to work soon, if Eli and the Cap will let me.

As we settle in bed, our new routine of me laying next to Eli, I whisper, “Eli? Can I go back to work soon?”

“You feel up to it?”

“Yes sir. I'm good with the crutches now so I think I can manage.”

“What about the stairs? We can go in the elevator, but I need to know you're ok with that.”

“If you're there, then I'll be ok.”

“Ok. I'll call the Cap tomorrow and see what he says.”

“Ok. Eli?”

“Yes baby?”

“You're worried about something, aren't you? What's wrong?”

He sighs and then replies, “It still amazes me how good you are at reading me. I have to ask you something, Dani, and I know you're not going to like it. I've been putting it off for a while now because I didn't want to upset you. The Cap and Captain Greggson need an answer though, so I have to ask. I'm sorry. I've just been thinking about the best way to ask...”

“It's ok. Ask me, sir. I know you're here to help me, so I'll be ok.”

He smiles a little and says, “Do you realize how brave you've actually become? I mean, so much has happened in the last few months and you've changed. Before you would have freaked out about the fact that I needed to ask you something. You're more confident, even if you don't think so.”

I shrug, “You help me.”

“And I'm glad I do. So, we ran the MO used on Babkin through Interpol and we've had some hits. Interpol have an alert out on a guy called Misha Ivankov....”

The breath catches in the back of my throat but whooshes out of my lungs at the same time. Maybe it's not even physiologically possible, but that's what it feels like. Eli's face appears in front of me before I can start panicking properly.

“Hey, hey. It's ok, baby. You're safe. I'm here and no one can get you. Talk to me, Dani. What's going on?”

I croak out, “He was there... I heard his name...”

“Do you know what he looks like? Did you see him?”

“I don't know. Not everyone said their names... I don't know....”

“It's ok, it's ok. Deep breaths, Dani... That's it.”

Once I've calmed down a little bit, Eli continues, “The Cap needs to know if you remember where they held you. He thinks if you can give a rough location, then we might be able to narrow the search field down and find the location. Can you remember anything?”

“I was unconscious, sir.”

“I know, but you said they left you by a dumpster. Maybe when you came round, then you saw something? I know it's asking a lot to make you go back to those memories, but it's our shot at finding these people and punishing them. I'm not asking you to tell me right now, but maybe you could think about it?”

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