Chapter One Hundred Eight

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Chapter One Hundred Eight


After sending Arrow to check out the hotel, I notice he stops at Dani's desk for a few minutes. They seem to be having a serious conversation, but I can't read their lips to see what they're saying. When I think Arrow is taking too long, I send Ash out to hurry him out of the building. It's not that I don't trust him or Dani. I don't think he'd intentionally hurt her or anything, but I don't need him telling her about this mission. I don't want to worry her or scare her.

When Arrow leaves and Ash is back in the briefing room, I carry on giving the guys our itinerary for the day. I hazard a quick glance at Dani, just to see what she's doing. She's watching me intently, like she's trying to figure something out. She knows. I don't know if Arrow told her or if she figured it out, but she knows. Unless she asks me about it, I'm not breathing a word on the matter. I don't think she'll ask, so I should be safe. I'm not going to lie to her, but I'm not going to volunteer the information either. I shove those thoughts to the back of my mind. I need to focus on the task at hand and I'll deal with the rest later.

We get through the day and it's nearly 8pm when we finally get to head home. Ash is with Dani and myself on the way down the stairs.

"Hey, Ash?"


"You coming for dinner on Sunday?"

"You want me to?"

"Of course."

He throws a glance at Dani, but she looks like she's in her own world, thinking about something.


The sound of her name startles her and she jumps slightly before blushing and whispering, "Yes sir?"

"You want me to come to dinner on Sunday?"

"Oh. Yes sir."


"You trying to get out of it?"

There's her sarcasm again. I love hearing her make jokes. Ash is shocked at first and then he chuckles, "You're getting sassy. I like it. You must be learning it from me, because this guy isn't really the joking type..."

I see a small smile form on Dani's lips and I have two thoughts. My first thought is that I so want to kiss that beautiful smile. The second is wondering what she's thinking about. It's as if she reads my mind because she speaks in Russian next.

"I'm remembering the vampire and werwolf conversation..."

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