Italy 1.2

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*Piero's POV*

I marvelled at the sight before me, she was absolutely exquisite.

Then I saw how her smile turned into confusion then panic as she scrambled down to pick up her towel and cover herself.

Amber started profusely apologise waving her arms frantically everywhere. Meanwhile I was too stunned to say anything, barely acknowledging any words that came out from her.

"Pier.. uh Mr Harris.. no.. Pierre? Ugh Mr Harris!" She screamed
I could finally feel my feet on the ground again.

"I'm sorry, I was not expecting that. I dropped everything and ran here because the call ended so abruptly. I can see now that you are fine, so I will take my leave" How I manage to say that without losing composure is astonishing even for me.

Keeping a cool expression, I turned around and left.

Amber's expression was what I can gather were a mixture of embarrassment, confusion and anger. This was for the best - I think. No matter how great it was, we're both in different places now and I'm her professor for fuck sake. I can't just drop everything and resume whatever we had.. no matter how amazing.. fuck she looked so good.. her flushed and wet skin.. the way she looked at me through her lashes.. that cunning smile. I shook my head trying to rid the image from my head.

She is so young, has her whole life ahead of her and no matter what I did I could not forget the sight of her that night, so small and so lost, I wanted nothing else but to protect her and thats exactly what I'm doing right now. I'm protecting her. What we had can't happen now. I'm shutting her down, she'll probably hate me but I have to put this boundary. If we were to pursue our fling and things get out of hand it's going to jeopardise her and I don't want that happening, I can't let that happen, I won't let that happen.

Am I really having an internal monologue now? I managed to found my way to my car and drove off.

*Amber's POV*

That fucking prick
How fucking dare

Here I was thinking we were on talking terms again and there he goes, back to his Mr Professor stick up his ass. I feel so incredibly stupid! Ugh!

"FYI you'd be lucky to have me!" I screamed at the empty hallway before slamming my apartment door.

I got dressed in my comfy PJ, sat on my bed and stared blankly at my bathroom door which I had left ajar. His handwritten note still there on the side of my bathtub.

Slowly I made my way to it, read it for the last time. Studied his stupidly beautiful handwriting.

"Alright, two can play this game."


Yes I'm still alive.

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