The Coffee Shop

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There were only two other customer there, jazzy music was playing in the background.

As we I sipped my coffee silently, he broke the silence.

"So.. Hi, I'm Piero. Nice to meet you" He offered his hand to me.

I shook his hands and replied "Hi Piero, I'm Amber"

"So what brought you to Italy?" He asked while looking at me attentively.

"A plane haha..." I stopped laughing when I realized how lame it sounded.

Surprisingly he laughed hard and I found myself laughing as well.

"Okay I get it,you're trying to play the mysterious tourist. I came here for a holiday as well. I'm originally from the big apple" He decided to offer me some information.

We got deeply engrossed in conversation for hours, and didn't realized it was already night time. I found him very easy and comfortable to talk to.

He offered to walk me to my car that I rented while staying here in Italy. It was a 15 minutes walk from the bookstore.

While we were walking and discussing about why chickens cross roads, it suddenly poured down from heaven. Great, just what I needed, a run down makeup and a soaking wet clothes.

"Lets go to my hotel room, you can avoid the rain and get dry there" He spoke urgently while grabbing my hand.

His hotel was just around the corner, I was too cold to refuse and the sound of warm towels sold me. We got into the lobby and stepped inside an elevator. I tried hard pulling my blouse from sticking onto my skin. My beige blouse was starting to look transparent after getting wet under the rain.

He guided me to his hotel room, "Room 223" it labeled. I stepped into his room as he closed the door behind him. I turned around only to have him suddenly pulling me into a deep longing kiss.


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