Morning After

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*Amber's POV

I woke up with a jolt.

"Shit I'm late!" I said panicking after looking at the clock.

Why did I book for a morning flight again? As I dash around the room picking up my clothes and preparing myself for a walk of shame, I heard Piero's groan.

"Leaving me so soon?" I couldn't help but to laugh at his sleepy grumble.

"Gotta catch my flight, sorry" I said as I reached over to give him a peck on his forehead. "Call me.." and left my phone number on a piece of paper. Piero replied with a wink and dozed off.

I still need to go back to my hotel and check out. luckily, I've already packed my stuff.

1 and a half hour later, I was already strapped on my seat, flying back home, NYC here I come.

*Piero POV

First thing I remembered was feeling cold. Instinctively, I reached over to "her" side and when my hand greeted the cold sheet, my eyes fled open.

"Eh? So her leaving wasn't a dream" I mumbled to myself.

I woke up and stretched, looked up to the watch and saw only 6 more hours till my flight.

Whistling, I made my way to the bathroom for a refreshing shower.

I was sipping my coffee when I noticed a small paper on the desk. Picked it up and realized it was her phone number. Smiling to myself, I tucked the tiny paper into my wallet and continued sipping my coffee.

*five hours later

I was waiting to get my luggage checked when a women bumped into me. She muffled her apologies and scurried off. I didn't think much about it until I was on my seat, in the plane, about to take off when I realized - my wallet was gone.

"Shit." I cursed silently with a blank face.


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