The Sex

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*** Warning: Hot sex scene follows.

The kiss surprised me. Alot. Maybe. Okay I did half expected a kiss or peck from him by the end of the night but not like this! I froze for about 3 seconds before I felt him pulling away.

"I'm sorry..? I'd been wanting to do that since I saw you in the book store, it was too forward I shoul.." He didn't get to finish his sentence before I robbed his lips with my own with a hungering passion.

"Shut up" I manage to mumble mid kissing.

I felt his hands trailing my back, every touch was burning with passion until his hands cupped my ass and swoosh he swept me off the ground and carried me to his bed.

All a while I fumbled with his buttons partly because I'm impatient and partly was because I had no idea how to undo a man's shirt (mentally palm faced myself)

Third person POV***

As Piero laid Amber slowly onto his bed, he backed away slowly, admiring the beauty that has a matching expression with him: hunger.

"Before it gets too far, I need your consent, please" He asked for assurance

"I want you to" was her reply.

Quickly, he covered her body with his own, capturing her lips with a long, slow kiss. His hot breath moved along her jaw and behind her ears while her hands roamed around his hard chest.

His hands lifted her blouse off and pulled down her skirts and was amazed with the sight. She was wearing a matching lacy beige bra and underwear. He stood on his knee quickly only to take off his clothes while Amber watched with her eyes hooded.

"so beautiful.." He whispered as he kissed her chest hungrily while his other hand found the bra clasp and undid it.

He toyed with her nipple, gently sucking it as while his other hand traveled lower sending shivers across her spine. Amber felt bolder and decided to push him to his back and straddled him. She gathered his hands to her breast while grinding his obviously hard length slowly. With only a thin material separating their part, he felt her wetness sipping through and it aroused him even more.

Impatient, Piero pulled her towards him and pinned her on her back. Slowly kissing and licking her breast and making his way down.

His skillful tongue teased,licked and thrusted her folds sending her into the edge - panting, heaving and clawing the bed sheet.

"Please..Piero.." She begged with such longingness.

He had spread her legs wider, placing his hard length at her entrance. Ambergasped as peiro slowly penetrated her. She felt so warm, so tight that Piero find it hard to control him self as he moved to a faster rhythm. Adelia raked his arm, lost in passion as his shaft stretched her. The tension built up until they both cried in a harmonize tune.

He withdrew and laid on his back, erratic breathing and hunger sated. He pulled her gently towards him so that her head would rest on his chest. She could hear his pumped heart beat and it help her relaxed as they both fall into a peaceful slumber.


*wiggles eyebrow* How was it guys? :p

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