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*edited parts below****
*Amber's POV

"Amber" I heard someone yell

"Shi!.. what? Huh?" Suddenly I was out of my trance.

"Sup with you? I've been calling your name like gazillion times and you were like just staring into your closet, you alright?" blabs Elaine as I stood staring at her.

I shrugged and turned back around to face my closet, I didn't realize it took me that long to look for an outfit.

I needed something that screams sexy but not to the point of being slutty, elegant but not boring, this but not that...

"Urhh Fuckkk meeeee" Whined to my closet.

"Yep, she has finally lost it" to my amazement Elaine was still frozen at her spot at the door, with a peculiar expression on her face.

I gave in and tugged her towards my bed and told her what happened from A to Z.

I concluded my story with a dare "Okay, you can call me a slut now"

Instead, Elaine went silent, marched into my closet and went ransacking the content. After few yawns from me, she presented me with my sleeveless maroon top, black skinny jeans and my cream cardigan.

"I actually look pretty hot" I thought to myself as I scanned my reflection at the mirror.

"Now with your hair and makeup" skillfully, Elaine curled my hair and brushed it loose, and worked her magic on my face.

After 20 mins, I walked outside my apartment thinking about Elaine's last words to me "The way you look right now, his jaw will drop and drag itself across the floor trying to reach to you. Own it, be fierce you bad bitch!"

*Standing outside of Architecture class,
*Inhale and exhale
*reaches for the door
*someone pushes it from inside
*knocked it against my head

"Well fuck"

I had to blink a few times to adjust the brightness,
I saw a pair of green eyes staring at me, funny how I've never noticed how green they were, I just want to swim into its depth, explore it's secret...

"Amber..?" A husky voice broke my trance.

"Gabe? Oh my god, I was staring. I'm so sorry" I manage to mumble out.

Gabe, who I've known since senior year high school, helped me up.

"No, clearly it's my fault. Door says pull but I pushed it and knocked you out cold" He said while scratching the back of his head awkwardly.

"Why are you doing outside Sports Science anyway? I thought you're taking Architecture" He asked while leading me to one of the benches outside.

"Sports science..?" Add one more to the awkward list for today.

"You know what, lets get coffee, how does that sound?" I asked out of nowhere.

We were about to make a move towards the university exit when a voice boomed, "Miss Amber, I believe you have a class with me?"

*edited parts below****

*Ever heard of writers block? Yeah.......
Enjoy guys!!!

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