The Tesseract (1)

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Mia's POV: 

(Your name is Mia Williams)

Nick wanted to meet me in a building where the Tesseract is kept. I was recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D at age 13 and now I'm here, a year later. I drove my bike from my apartment given by S.H.I.E.L.D and parked it in the garage. I met Nick, Agent Coulson and Agent Hill at the gate. I had my fingerless gloves like always. I never take them off. Not even while sleeping.

(I know these are not technically fingerless gloves but I didn't know what these are called.) 

'Agent Williams

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'Agent Williams. Nice to meet you.' Hill said and I shook hands with her. 

'What's the problem?' I asked.

'That's the problem, we don't know.' Coulson said. I nodded, and we went inside. Coulson was my best friend at S.H.I.E.L.D.  We took the elevator and went to the lowest floor. 

'Dr. Selvig read an energy surge from the Tesseract four hours ago.' Coulson explained. 

'Where are the energy levels now?' I asked. 

'Climbing, that is why we ordered an evacuation.' Phil said and I nodded. I have basic studies in almost everything science so I can make conversation and understand stuff pretty well at S.H.I.E.L.D. 

'How long to get everyone out?' Nick asked.

'About half an hour.' Phil said.

'Do better.' he simply stated. Phil nodded and went to help with the evacuation. 

'Sir, evacuation may be futile. If we can't control the energy of the tesseract, we don't know hoe much of a blast radius we should keep.' I said, following Hill and Nick down on a staircase. 

'Make sure that the phase 2 prototypes are shipped out now.' Nick told Hill. She argued but could not win. She gave up went to the floor to get the pieces shipped out. 

'Talk to me, Doctor.' Nick said as we entered the room in which the Tesseract was kept. 

'She misbehaving.' Dr. Selvig said.

'What do you mean?' I asked.

'it's not only active, she's misbehaving.' He said and I followed him. 

'I assumed you pulled the plug.' Nick said.

'It's an energy source, pulling the plug will do no good.' I said and Selvig agreed with me.

'Dr. Erik Selvig.' He said, giving me a hand.

'Mia Williams.' I said, accepting it. 

'Low levels of gamma radiations are being traced.' He said.

'That can be harmful. Where's Agent Barton.' Nick asked as I went over to read the calculation Dr. Selvig had made. 

'The hawk? Up in his nest.' He said. I looked up and saw a man coming down a rope. I didn't know who he was but it must have been Agent Barton.

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