The fight Part 2 (9)

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Mia's POV:


'Just like you said.' Steve replied back.

'Tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you.' Tony said and flew in out view. I turned and saw the worm thing following him, breaking buildings.

'I-I don't see how that's a party.' Nat remarked.

'Dr. Banner, now might be a good time to get mad.' Steve said, concerned when Bruce was not turning green.

'That's my secret, Captain. I'm always angry.' He remarked before he turned to the Hulk.

'Hold on!' Tony said and I flew up top with Stark and shot the worm with bursts of energy. We all formed in a circle and got ready to fight again. I looked at the portal and the rest of the giant worm like things came through it.

'Guys...' Nat warned.

'Call it Captain.' Tony said.

'All right, listen up. Until we can close that portal, our priority is containment. barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark and Mia, you both get the perimeter, anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or turn it to ash.' Steve said and I nodded.

'Can any of you give me a lift?' Clint asked.

'Right. Better clench up Legolas.' Tony said, grabbing Clint and flying off with him. I rolled my eyes and followed him. After a few minutes, I saw Thor fly up to the empire state building and summon thunder. I got out of the way before the lightning could hit me.

'Stark and Mia, you've got a lot of strays sniffing your tail.' Clint informed. I looked back and like he said, a lot of them were following me. I flew faster and flew into tight spaces, dodging hits and buildings just at the last second so the Chitauri would crash where I took a turn.

'Trying to keep them off the streets.' Tony said.

'Well, they can't bank worth a damn. Find a tight corner.' I said.

'Good idea. I will roger that.' Tony said.

'Oh boy. They are getting annoying.' Tony muttered after a few minutes as I saw him go into hallways of buildings, trying to get rid of the Chitauri. 

'Nice call. What else you got?' Tony asked again. 

'Thor is taking a squadron down on sixth.' Clint said.

'And he didn't invite me.' Tony muttered. I rolled my eyes playfully and took cover under a car. I looked around and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Clint being overpowered by Chitauri climbing up the building to get to him, I quickly flew to him and helped him take them out. 

I took my mask off and started taking deep breaths. Suddenly, my entire body started shaking, I sat on the ground, my back leaning against the wall.

'No, no, no, no. Not now. It's not the time.' I muttered, trying to keep the panic attack at bay. I closed my eyes and started to punch the ground in frustration and panic. What if we can't stop the attack? What of we don't succeed? These thoughts kept running in my mind. I heard a loud roar and saw a bunch of Chitauri in front of me again. I took out a few but my vision was blurred with tears. The rest Clint handled by himself. He saw me and his eyes widened.

'Mia?' He asked, coming closer. His voice seemed distant even though he was just a few feet away.

Clint's POV:

A bunch of Chitauri were climbing the building I was on and I started to get out numbered. I took as many out as I could but they kept coming. Out of nowhere, Mia flew up and took the rest out with her powers. Just as I was about to thank her, she leaned on the wall and started taking deep breaths. I heard a loud roar and saw a bunch of Chitauri behind us again. She took a few of them out and I handled the rest. 

'Mia?' I asked and came closer to her. She had taken her mask of and seemed to be panicking and then I realised that she was having a panic attack.

'Hey, it's me, Clint. Take some deep breaths.' I said and she nodded, trying to do what I was saying. I took a quick look around, making sure everyone was safe.  

'Captain, the bank of 42nd past Madison. They've cornered a lot of civilians in there.' I informed in my comms and turned back to Mia. She was putting he mask back on after calming down. She still looked pale.

'You okay?' I asked and she nodded.

'Yeah. Thanks.' She said and I gave her a small smile. 

'Hawk-eye!' Nat's voice came in the comms. We looked around and I found Nat on a Chitauri vehicle, followed by Loki. 

'Nat, what the heck are you doing?' Mia asked.

'Umm... A little help!' She said. I got an arrow out and aimed it at Loki. I smirked when I got the shot.

'I got him.' I said and released the arrow. It flew to him but he caught it. The arrow blew up and he fell in the Stark tower. Nat jumped and landed on the roof of the Tower. The Hulk followed Loki inside. I few more Chitauri came at us and we took them out. I grabbed for my arrows in my quiver but it was empty.

'Damn it.' I muttered and fought with my bow.

'Here.' Mia said, flying my arrows to me from around us.

'Thanks.' I said and put them back in my quiver. A bunch of Chitauri vehicles started shooting at us. I grabbed an arrow with a grappling hook attachment and jumped off the building, Mia grabbing onto me. We went through one of the windows and fell on the floor, glass surrounding us. 

Tony's POV:

'Stark, do you hear me? You have a missile headed straight for the city.' Nick's voice came through the comms.

'How long?' I asked.

'Three minutes, max.' He said.

'JARVIS, out everything we've got in the thrusters.'

'Just did.' He replied and I flew out.

'I can close it. Can anyone copy?' Nat's voice came through.

'Do it!' Steve yelled. 

'No wait!'

'Stark, these things are still coming.'

'I have a nuke headed for the city, a minute max. I know just where to put it.'

'You know that's a one way trip.' Steve said. 

'Save the rest for the turn J.'

'Sir, shall I try Miss Potts?' JARVIS asked.

'Might as well.' I said and flew into the wormhole. 

Steve's POV:

'Close it.' I said. We looked up and saw Tony coming back. 

'Sun of a gun.' I muttered, smiling.

'He's not slowing down.' Thor said and my smile faltered. He started to spin his hammer to get Stark but the Hulk grabbed him in mid air and put him on the ground. Thor took off his mask and I knelt to hear him breathing. I could not hear anything so I sat down in defeat. The Hulk wasn't having it so he roared and Tony woke up with a start. 

'What the hell! What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me.' Tony said and I chuckled.

'We won.' I said. 

'Alright, yay! Good job guys. Let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day. Have you ever tried Shawarma, there is a Shawarma joint  abut two blocks from here. I don't know what it is but I want to try it.' Tony said.

'We're not finished yet.' Thor said.

'Then Shawarma after.' Tony said. All of us went to the tower and surrounded Loki. 

'If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.' Loki said. 

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