Finding Loki. (7)

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Tony's POV:

'Agent Coulson is down.' I heard Nick's voice in the comms. Mia's eyes widened and she ran back inside. I could hear her crying, denying that he was gone in the comms. I was never close to Phil but Mia was. When they came to the tower. They seemed like best friends. Even though I didn't know him very well, something in me felt like I had a major loss. I took a deep breath then Steve and me went to the main room of the helicarrier.

After everyone had calmed down, Steve, Mia and me were in the meeting area of the helicarrier. She had patched her leg up. Her eyes were swollen from crying and no one could do anything about it. She would not even talk to anyone, she just sat there, looking into nothing and fiddling with the gloves on her arms and palm.

'These were in Phil Coulson's jacket. Guess he never did get you to sign them.' Nick said after some time. Throwing a deck of cards to Steve, some of them were soaked in his blood. Mia looked away, gulping and blinking her eyes to not let the tears fall, not wanting to see them. 

'We're dead in the air up here. Our communications, the location of the Cube, Banner and Thor. I got nothing for you. Lost my one good eye. Maybe I had that coming.' Nick said.

'Yes, we were going to build an arsenal with the Tesseract. I never put all my chips on that number though, because I was playing something even riskier.' Nick said, looking at Mia, who was back to not looking at anything. 

'There was an idea, Stark and Mia know about this, called the Avenger Initiative. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people and see if they can become something more. To see if they could work together when we needed them to. Fight the battles that we never could. Phil Coulson died, still believing that idea.' Nick said. Mia had had enough so she just got up and left. I followed her.

'Well, it's an old fashion notion.' Was the last thing I heard him say. I followed her to the detention chamber where Loki was kept and Phil was killed. I saw her sitting beside the blood stain and pulled something out from her boot. She opened the piece of paper and it was a photo of Phill and her.

'How close was he to you?' I asked.

'My best friend.' She replied, her voice barely a whispher.

'I'm sorry.' I told her.

'Don't worry about it. I don't need to hear it. It'll not bring him back.' She said, folding the photo and putting it back in her boot and clearing her throat. I heard someone come and saw Steve on the other side.

'Was he married?' He asked. Mia shook her head and got up.

'No. There was a cellist.' She said

'I'm sorry. He seemed like a good man.' Steve said.

'Don't need to hear it. I'm fine.' She said again, leaning on the railing.

'He was an idiot.' I said.

'Why? For believing?' Steve asked.

'For taking on Loki alone.' I said, walking to him.

'He was doing his job.' Mia said defensively. 

'He should have waited. He was out of his league.' I said.

'Sometimes, there isn't a way out Tony.' Steve said, coming to me.

'Right. I've heard that before.'

'Is this the first time you've lost a solider?' Steve asked as I walked past him.

'We are not soldiers.' I said immediately.

'Look, neither you or I are marching to Fury's fife. He's got the same blood on his hands that Loki has. Right now, we have to put it behind us and get the job done. Loki needs a power source, if we can put together a list-' Steve said but got interrupted by Mia.

'He made it personal.' Mia said.

'That's not the point.' Steve said.

'That is the point, why did he hit us where we live? Phil was not going to be able to stop him. He wasn't even a threat to him. Why did he do it?' Mia said. She put her hand to her ear and said something back.

'I have to go. Fury needs me.' She said and left. 

Y/N's POV:

'I have to go.' I said and left. Nick needed me in the main room. 

'You needed me?' I asked, standing behind Nick.

'How are you?' He asked me. This caught me off guard. He was my friend but he never showed a soft side during work.

'I will be. Not the first time I've lost someone. You know that.' I said and he nodded.

'I will miss him. He was a good man.' He said and I hummed, agreeing.

'Sir?' Agent Hill asked, coming to us.

'Yes?' Nick said.

'Those cards, they were in Phil Coulson's locker, not his jacket.' Hill said.

'They needed the push.' Nick said. I saw Tony fly and and announcement was made of an unauthorised departure of a jet.

'They found him.' I said.

'Get our communications up. Whatever you have to do. I want eyes on everything.' Nick said and Hill nodded.

'Get 'em.' He said to me and I smiled. I snapped into my suit and jumped out of the ship.

'Where're we going?' I asked in my comms which was still connected to the team.

'Stark Tower.' Tony replied and I flew there.

'JARVIS, what's happening. Turn off the arc reactor in the building.' I said in my comms.

'I have turned off the arc reactor. But the device is already self sustaining.' JARVIS replied. 

Tony's POV:

'Shut it down Dr. Selvig.' I said as I reached the Tower, flying over him.

'It's too late. She can't stop now. She wants to show us something. A new universe.' he said and i was already done. I raised my repulsers and aimed it at the device. It bounced back and hit Selvig square in the face. I got knocked back.

'The barrier is pure energy. It's unbreachable.' JARVIS said.

'Yeah, I got that.' I said. Looking down and saw Loki. 

'Sir the Mark 7 is not ready for deployment.' JARVIS told me. 

'Skip the spinning rims. We're on a clock.' I said.

'Mia, how long will you take?' I asked.

'A few more minutes.' She replied back in the comms. As I landing on the landing pad and my armour started to get taken off. 

'Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity.' Loki said, making his way to me.

'Actually, I'm planning on threatening you.' I said casually.

'You should have left your armour on for that.' Loki said, pointing towards me.

'Yeah. It's seen a bit of milage. And you've got the glow stick of destiny.' I said.

'Would you like a drink?' I asked, making my way to the bar.

'Stalling me won't change anything.' he said.

'No, no. Threatening. No drink? Are you sure? I'm having one.' I said, opening a bottle of Bourbon. 

'The Chitauri are coming. Nothing will change that. What have I to fear?' Loki asked me.

'The Avengers.' I said. He shot me a confused glance.

'It's kinds what we call ourselves. We sort of like a team. Earth's mightiest heroes type thing.' I replied, pouring the drink in the glass I had grabbed.

'I've met them.' He replied, smirking. I let out a half chuckle. 

'It does take us some time to get any traction. I'll give you that one.' I said.

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