The Aftermath (10)

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Mia's POV:

After everyone was done with evacuation, I went back to my apartment which had miraculously not blown up. I took a long shower, washing my hair and wore some jeans with a crop top. I sat in front of the TV and started to scroll though the news channels which were blasting with news about the attack. 

'Despite the devastation of what has been confirmed as an extraterrestrial attack, the extraordinary heroics of the group known as the Avengers has been to many a cause not only for comfort but also-. It's really great knowing that they're out there, you know? That's someone is watching over us.- I love you Thor!- And then these guys were like... and then the air goes- These so called heroes have to be held responsible for the destruction done to the city. This was their fight, where are they now?' One senator said. After about and hour, I got a call from Nat, telling me to meet her and the rest at a place. Putting my hair in a ponytail, wearing my mask and hood, putting on a jacket and wearing my gloves like always, I flew to an empty park and saw the rest with Loki. 

Tony was wearing a grey suit, Bruce was wearing a yellow shirt with grey pants, Steve was wearing an old fashioned, brown leather jacket, Nat was wearing a red shirt with black jeans, a leather jacket to match, Clint was wearing a red shirt with a jacket on top, Thor and Loki were still wearing their Asgardian armour. Dr. Erik Selvig helped with the Tesseract as well. They put it in a device which would transport them back to Asgard. We surrounded the two gods as Thor gave us a last nod and left Earth with Loki. 

'Well, I guess this is a goodbye.' I said to the rest.

'I don't think so. We'll meet again.' Clint said and I nodded. Steve and Tony shook hands as a goodbye. Nat gave Bruce a bag who was going with Tony. 

'Take care of yourself.' Clint said, hugging me.

'I will. You too. The next time I meet you, I don't want any stories about how you almost died doing something stupid.' I said. Clint chuckled and sat with Nat in a S.H.I.E.L.D vehicle, Steve sat on his motorcycle and left after everyone. I sat in the park for some time, thinking about how our lives will change next. This was the first time we worked as a team, it will certainly not be the last. 

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