The fight (8)

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Tony's POV:

'But, let's do a head count here. Your brother, the Demigod. A super solider, a living legend who lives up to the legend. A man with breathtaking anger management issues, a girl with amazing powers who I still know nothing about, a couple of master assassins. And you, big guy, have managed to piss off every single one of them.' I said, wearing a bracelet which will help me with my escape.

'That was the plan.' Loki remarked.

'Not a great one. Let me tell you that.' I said, taking a sip of my drink

'When they come, and they will. I said, looking outside and saw Mia floating in front of the window.' She nodded at me, understanding my plan and waiting.

'I have an army.' He said.

'We have a Hulk.' I shot back and Loki's face was covered with confusion.

'I thought the beast had wandered off.' he said.

'You're missing the point. There's no throne. No version in which you come out on top. maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us but it's all on you. Because if we can't protect the Earth, be damn sure that we'll avenge it.' I said, taking a final sip as Loki made his way to me.

'How will your friends have time for me, when they're so busy fighting you?' He asked and placed the sceptre on my chest. Luckily, my arc reactor had no reaction to it and I was still me. He tried once again. Failed again.

'This usually works.' He mutters.

'Well, performance issues, you know, it's not uncommon. One out of five...' I said but he grabbed my neck and threw me towards the window.

'JARVIS, any time now.' I said as I got up.

'You will all fall before me.' Loki said and threw me out the window.

'Stark!' I heard Mia yell. I heard a loud crash and knew that my suit had been deployed, it formed around me just before I touched the ground. I flew back up and faced Loki again.

'And there's one other person you pissed off. His name was Phil.' I said and shot my repulsers at him. 

'Stark, something is happening. Come on the roof.' Mia said in the comms. I looked up and saw a portal being formed in the sky. Aliens started coming out of it. 

'Right. Army.' I muttered. I started shooting at them while dodging hits. Mia was tearing them apart with her powers and dodging hits as well. I used my missiles and blew a bunch of them up

'Where are you guys?' Mia asked in the comms to the others.

'We're coming.' Nat replied back. I looked down and saw that the civilians were being hit as well.

'Mia, help the civilians. Tell them to take cover.' I said.

'Copy that.' She said and flew back down.

Mia's POV:

'Mia, help the civilians. Tell them to take cover.' Tony told me.

'Copy that.' I replied back and flew down. I found many under some debris. 

'Get out, take cover.' I said as I picked it up with my powers. They quickly ran and took shelter in a cafe. Police and NYPD cars were filing in now. 

'Stark, we're on your three, headed northeast.' Nat's voice came through.

'What did you stop for a drive through? Swing up Park. I'll lay them out for you.' Tony said back in the comms. i fought the Chitauri that came in my way and helped the civilians find shelter. I looked up and saw the jet crashing down due to a blast from Loki's sceptre.

'Welp, that's a problem.' I muttered and flew towards the sky and under the jet. I used my powers and let it down slowly in a parking lot which was empty. They still crashed but it would have been a lot worse if I hadn't helped.

'You guys good?' I asked and they nodded. Before they could say anything else, I flew back up and starting shooting Chitauri that are in the sky. I looked at the portal and a large, worm like thing with wings and armour flew out of it. It deployed more Chitauri and they went inside the tall buildings.

'Stark, are you seeing this?' I asked in my comms.

'Seeing. Still working on believing. Where's Banner? Had he shown up yet?' he replied back. 

'Banner?' Steve asked. 

'Just keep me posted.' He said. I took cover with Steve, Nat and Clint. 

'We've got civilians still trapped up here.' Clint said as I looked around us.

'They're like fish in a barrel down there.' Steve said. Nat shot at the Chitauri with her guns as Clint shot them with his bow.

'We've got this, it's good. Go.' Nat said,

'You think you can hold them off?' Steve asked the pair of assassins.

'Captain... It would be my genuine pleasure.' Clint said, getting an arrow and shot the Chituari. Some in the air were still shooting at us and I flew up to them. 

'Go Steve, we're good here.' I said as I grabbed explosives from the place where my shoulder blades are and threw them towards the Chitauri blasting at least five with each. Clint helped trapped civilians as Nat shot the rest. 

'It's like Budapest all over again.' Nat remarked.

'You and I remember Budapest very differently.' Clint said again, I let out a small chuckle and flew to the other roads and landed on a police car. The cops got startled and pointed their guns at me.

'We need men in these buildings. There are people inside that are gonna be running right into the line of fire. Take 'em through the basement or through the subway, I don't care. You keep them off the streets. I need a perimeter as far back as the 39th.' I said in one breath.

'Why the hell should we take orders from you?' One asked. Before I could answer him, a swarm of Chitauri came towards us. I made a shield around the cops and fought the Chitauri hand to hand. They're not very bright so they were easy to take down. I looked at the cops and they started repeating my orders to their team. 

'Well, we got its attention. What the hell was step two?' Tony asked. I went back to Nat and Clint. After fighting the Chitauri for a few more minutes, Thor and Steve joined us. 

'What's the story upstairs?' Steve asked, fixing his shield. 

'The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable.' Thor said and I nodded, taking deep breaths to catch my breath back from all the fighting. 

'Thor's right. We've got to fight these guys.' Tony said.

'How do we do that?' Nat asked.

'As a team.' Steve said. 

'I have unfinished business with Loki.' Thor said.

'Get in line.' Me and Clint said at the same time. 

'Save it. Loki's going to keep the fight focused on us and that is what we need. Without that, these things could run wild. We need Stark up top. He's gonna need us to...' Steve started but trailed off once we heard a motor of a bike. I turned around and saw Bruce.

'Well, this all seems horrible.' He said casually.

'I've seen worse.' Nat remarked while smirking.

'Sorry.' He said

'No, we could use a little worse.' She corrected herself.

'Stark we got him.' Steve said in the comms.

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