Chapter 1 A scrawny, black-haired boy, with mesmerizing green eyes

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Hello and welcome!

I'll make this quick. I don't feel like writing detailed chapters for the first three years, so I put them all in this one chapter (which is why this will be longer than the other chapters).

I first thought about skipping them, but I wanted you to at least know a little bit before the real story begins, if that makes sense?

Anyway, hope you enjoy!


'It's here!' The voice of an eleven-year old boy shouted as he ran through the door to his sisters room. '(y/n), it's here!' The pale boy reached one of the yellow envelopes in his hand to the startled girl.

'Is this...?'

'Our Hogwarts letters!' The boy exclaimed before his sister could say anything else. 'They arrived just now!' The boy sat down on his sisters bed, as she had been sitting there while reading a book in peace, until the moment he bursted through her door. 'Come on, let's open them together!'

The two siblings sat in a comfortable silence as they opened and read the letters, the silence only being broken by the much more talkactive brother.

'Let me see yours.' He said, not really waiting for an answer from the girl, but she didn't really mind anyway, instead she took his letter, and gave it a quick look. It was no doubt, these letters were real, and they were indeed going to Hogwarts, which had been the girls dream since her mother told them about the place. 'Come on, let's show them to mother!'

'Wait for me, Draco!' The girl shouted after her brother as he ran out through her door again, her letter in his hand.

It was safe to say that the mother was pleased both of her kids had gotten a place at Hogwarts, not that she ever doubted they would. The father on the other hand had said something about Durmstrang, and that he'd rather have them attend that school, but luckily the mother didn't agree, saying it was too far away, something the girl was grateful for, as she didn't want to attend that school, the brother not really caring either way.


A few weeks passed by, and the day they would go to Diagon alley and buy the things they needed had arrived. The twins had been left at Madam Malkin's, while their mother went out to get something else. They were mostly quiet while they got the new robes fitted, having had a small fight about who would get the eagle owl earlier in the creature shop, which resulted in them not being on speaking terms at the moment.

'Hogwarts, dear?' They heard Madam Malkin say as the door to her shop opened. (y/n) didn't really care for the conversation and zoned out, looking at a rather pretty blue dress. 'I have another young man and woman being fitted up just now, in fact.' She heard Malkin's voice again as she came into view, followed by a dark haired boy.

Madam Malkin showed the boy where he could stand, while she got to work right away.

It didn't take long before Draco tried to start a conversation with the boy, asking him a ton of questions, though he didn't really wait for a proper answer, so his sister figured the not-talking-to-eachother thing had taken a toll on the brother.

(y/n) zoned out during most of their one-way conversation, as she was still angry with her brother, him having been the one who got the owl in the end, but Draco had forgotten about that by now.

'Right, (y/n)?' She heard him say, though she had no idea what he was talking about.

'Mmmh.' Was all she said back, still having her eyes set on the dress.

A few minutes passed by, but then they heard someone knock on the window, which earned the attention of the three kids. Outside stood the biggest man (y/n) had ever seen in her entire life.

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