Chapter 3 That doesn't help one bit, but I appreciate the effort.

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(Y/n) wakes up with a mild headache. The night before, her roommates had been sitting up for hours, discussing the yule ball and who they wanted to go with. To say that they were looking forward to it wasn't exactly an exaggeration. Daphne was telling the girls about the details in her dress, Millicent Bulstrode talked about one of the Durmstrange boys she found to be cute, and then there was Pansy. (Y/n) almost gagged as Pansy talked about the girls brother, how she loved the way his hair slightly blew in the wind, and his gorgeous grey eyes- (y/n) actually did gag just thinking about it now.

A week had passed since they learned about the coming of the ball, a few already having their date ready, the number constantly increasing by each second that passed. Now, (y/n) wasn't one of them. Not that no one had asked her, because she had been asked maybe five, or ten times already, but she declined them all. She didn't want to go with just anybody, it had to be someone she at least found to be attractive, which was currently the massive number of one person.

(Y/n) sighed.

If she didn't want to end up alone, she would have to let that go. Harry would never ask her, so why even think about it? And if he did, she can't just agree to go with him! Her brother would most likely tell their father, and then he would have her moved to another school! Ok, maybe it wouldn't be that extreme, but she would never hear the end of it, that's for sure.

Imagining it, (y/n) saw herself as an eighty year old woman, no husband or kids, having her brother laugh at her and reminding her of that one time she tried to go to a ball with Harry Potter and ended up being seen as a bloodtraitor, no pureblood wanted her, neither would anyone else, because of her name.

'Miss?' (Y/n) turned to find one of the taller Durmstrang students standing beside her, the girl having no idea who he was.

'Yes?' she did have a feeling what he wanted, but being the polite girl she was raised to be, she let him speak.

'Excuse me, but your beauty is like no other I have ever seen. My name is Olag Volkov.' He said, taking her hand in his and bendt down to give it a kiss. 'I was wondering if such a beauty like yourself would accompany me to the yule ball.'

(Y/n) had seen this a few times before. Sure, he seemed nice, but so did the others that had asked her.

'I'm sorry, but you'll have to find another beauty.' Quickly retracting her hand, (y/n) walked off before he could say anything else to her.

This is mostly how her week had gone by, and if she was being honest, she really looked forward to this being over with, not just because she found it awkvard being asked by so many strangers, but also because all the talking was driving her insane. All of the giggling girls, walking in big groups, and giggling even worse as one of their friends get asked, it was just too much for her. She pulled her bag closer to herself and quickly made her way down to the potions classroom. For once, it didn't seem like professor Snape was there yet, but students were piling up outside, though to her confusion, they seemed to be standing in a sircle.

Really hoping it wasn't what she thought it was, (y/n) pushed her way trough, only to see that it was exactly what she hoped it wasn't.

Running over to her brother, (y/n) caught his arm and tried to pry it down, as he had his wand pointed at Harry, just as Harry pointed his back at her brother.

'Draco, stop it!' She said, but he only shook her off, making the girl stumble back.

'Get out of the way, (y/n)!' His hard gaze still locked on Harry.

Then the next thing happened, and both boys shot out spells at the same time. Startled, (y/n) grabbed Draco's arm as the spell shot out, the spell redirecting to somewhere else, but she never saw where as she herself got hit in the face by Harry's spell.

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