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So I got the new Hogwarts game- which inspired me to continue this!

I just started it, and would thus like you to kindly f**k off if you have an opinion about it <3

Don't ruin this for me<3


Days, even weeks passed by in a blur, and it wasn't long before the final Quidditch match of the year would be held - Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw.

The whole time had been much less stressful for the female for once, as it would actually seem like things went her way.

(Y/n) and Harry had spent a lot of their time together, even only the two of them most of the time- and not once was her brother the theme of any of their conversations.

It almost felt as if Harry had forgotten all about it, like what Draco did didn't matter anymore, yet (Y/n) refused to let herself completly believe that.

After all, he could be hiding it.

He could be keeping her in the dark about the whole thing

Yet, she couldn't let that bother her. Or, she could, but she also knew for a fact that Harry didn't have that much time of his own.

As (Y/n) made sure of that.

Other events that had happened was the apparition class everyone was offered, for the small fee of twelve Galleons that is, not that (Y/n) had any problems with that.

Luckily, even though she knew that deep down her mother was mad at her, she wasn't refused the opportunity of the class. H*ck, her mother was even the one to reccomend it, which did nothing to soothe the girl's mind about the future that awaited her, but she would deal with that later.

There was no way she would ruin this extremly short time she had with Harry.

Who knew if he'd ever look at her again once he find out, or if she'd ever see him again-

(Y/n) glanced over at Harry's profile, his dark hair as messy as ever, yet the glasses stayed neatly on top of his perfect nose while he studied his potions book, or the half-blood prince's book.

She could understand his facination with the object, as there were in fact a lot of useful information you don't learn in regular books, but she also couldn't help her worry, which she had expressed at multiple occasions.

Harry rarely ever let anyone look inside the book, touch it even, which had made (Y/n) believe that the book had put him under some sort of an enchantment, however she eventually realised that Harry was just really protective of it.

Harry's eyes eventually snapped up to look at her, his expression as friendly and loving as always, yet he still found time to close the book that laid before him- a detail (Y/n) never failed to notice.

"You found anything you want to share?" (Y/n) asked before Harry could open his mouth, her tone playful, yet curiosity lingered within.

"Well, no- I mean-"

"Then why do you continue to read it around me?" (Y/n) went on in her playful tone as she leaned closer to the boy. "You do know I can read too, right?"

"Course I know that- Sorry-" Harry said as he noticed the agressiveness of his own tone, a light blush crossing his cheeks as he had once again let the book devour him.

This had been a normal occurance, and acording to Hermione it had been like this for months now, except that Harry could actually compose himself around (Y/n)- much different from the other bushy-haired girl.

Not so different (Harry Potter x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon