Chapter 12 Shy, you said?

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'I am... most dissapointed.' The calm voice of a male spoke. 'All these months of planning, and Lucius fails me.'

(Y/n) was standing motionless beside her brother, neither of them daring to look up.

'My lord, if I may, it was Potter that-'

'You may not, Narcissa.' The calm voice spoke once more, though much less calm now, and the mother slightly flinched at the tone. 'Your family has dissapointed me yet again, and I am beginning to lose my faith in you.'

(Y/n) felt a presence approach her, her blood running cold as a hand gripped her shoulder. It wasn't a tight grip, more like someone tried to reassure her but there was nothing reassuring about the owner of said hand, the girl noticing the long white fingers that looked more like claws.

'Once more, the boy who lived have walked away from me, barely scratched at that.' The dark lord said, his grip never losening on the girl. 'But, it might not be too late to fix this yet.'

'My lord, what are you suggesting?' A person (Y/n) did not know said.

'You see, Walker, we are in luck,' the grip tightened around (Y/n)s shoulder, 'Not only do we have the boy who will do my bidding, but we have Potter's little girlfriend.'

Narcissa's head snapped up at that, her expression horrified as she looked at her daughter but only for a second, as it quickly turned neutral.

'Tell me, (Y/n), how does it feel to have the boy who lived wrapped around you finger?' The dark lord continued, but (Y/n) had no words.

How did he know about her and Harry?

'Haven't your mother thaught you some manners?' The dark lord spoke once more, his fingers digging into the girl's shoulder. 'When you're asked a question, you answer.' He said, his voice much lower but not less threatening.

'My lord, please, she's just shy.' The mother tried again, but the dark lord let out a low chuckle.

'Shy, you said?' He laughed a little louder at that, a few of the death eaters joining him. 'She wasn't so shy when she went for a little walk with Potter, or when she was caught holding hands with Potter,' he continued, him having let go of the girls shoulder by now, 'or when Potter gave her a sweet kiss.' He finished, his voice sickly as he never let the girl out of his sight.

Narcissa had a strange expression on her face, and (Y/n) wasn't sure who she should be more afraid of; her mother, or the dark lord.

'I will give your family one more chance,' The dark lord said, 'And should you fail me, the consequences will be severe.' He finished, his voice much darker.

(Y/n) didn't dare look up as she felt the dark lord approach her brother, but she had desided she feared the dark lord more than her mother at the moment.

'Draco,' the lord said in a silky voice, and (Y/n) could feel her brother stiffen up beside her, 'I have a little task for you.'

Not a word was spoken, not even a breath could be heard as they waited for the dark lord to continue.

'You will find a way for us to enter Hogwars, unnoticed,' The dark lord said as he stood behind Draco, both hands on his shoulders, thightly gripping them. 'Then,' he said, (Y/n) getting slightly scared as she had thought he was done, 'You will kill Albus Dumbledore.'

'My lord, he's just a boy-' Narcissa suddenly spoke up, but she was ignored.

'And should you fail, I'll kill you, your sweet, begging mother, dear Lucius, and your dear shy sister.' The dark lord finished, him patiently waiting for an answer but when it never came he turned to the mother. 'Narcissa, I thought your children were well mannered.'

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