Chapter 2 stop imagining me as Potter

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I had a MASSIVE writers block while writing the beginning of this chapter.. *covers eyes and sighs out of frustration*

+ You know what? I've changed my mind, I'm keeping the chapters long!


(y/n) was walking trough the halls of Hogwarts for her fourth year now, as she was really happy to be back. She loved being at Hogwarts, much more than she loved being at home. It was just something about the castle, but it might also be the fact that it is a castle alone that made her so happy. She was also immensely grateful that she didn't have to be around her brother every hour of the day anymore, as he had become unbearable after what happened during the quidditch world cup.

Her father had donated a rather large amount of money, to something the girl couldn't remember what was, earning himself, and his family, seats in the top box, together with the minister of magic himself. What they didn't know was that the Weasley's too had seats there, and of course they had brought Potter and Granger with them. There were multiple things that was the reason for her brothers foul mood, one being that the Weasleys had taken up every seat there was up in the front, the other reason being that he had caught Potter looking at his off limits sister, and as if Potter looking at her wasn't bad enough for the boy, he also caught (y/n) looking back, a light pink tint to her cheeks according to him. Of course, (y/n) did deny the whole thing, instead saying that she was admiring the view, but sadly that only dug her a deeper hole as her brothers reply was 'I bet you were.'

Luckily, the brother never told their father about it, as they both knew that he would not take lightly to that. His daughter, in love with the boy who lived? The thought alone would probably give the father nightmares. The bad thing though, was that the brother now had something to use as black-mail, which is the main reason why he was so unbearable to be around.

(y/n) had to spend the reminder of her vacation as Draco's personal house elf, or else he would drop her little secret to their father. Why did she accept this? She could have just denied it all and say that her brother was a delusional prick, but deep down she knew her father wouldn't believe her. He never did.

(y/n) picked up her pace. She was supposed to have Defence against the dark arts, with none other that mad-eye Moody himself, in just about five minutes and she couldn't be late. She had overheard multiple students talking about how good his class was, and (y/n) just couldn't wait to see if he was as good as they said he was. What she didn't expect was the look she got from the professor as she sat down in the last seat available, next to Tracey Davis, though on her left side at the next table, sat Harry Potter. It must have looked ridiculous for the professor; the boy who lived, next to the daughter of a man he once accused of being a follower of the dark lord? It must have been priceless. She tried to ignore it all the best she could, tried not to look at Potter, tried not to meet the eyes of the staring professor, but most of all, tried not to let her brothers burning gaze bother her. Draco was sat a few tables behind her, staring at the girls back so hard she could actually feel it, but that was soon forgotten as the class started, and Moody introduced them to the unforgivable curses.

At first the class was laughing. Laughing as professor Moody used imperio on a spider, making it do wierd things, like taking a cartwheel in a sircle on his desk, but then it took a darker turn and he tried to make the spider drown itself, instantly stopping the class's laughter. That was when he told the class about the dark lord, and how people said they had been under the curse during his time, Moody's normal eye lingering on the girl a little longer than she would have liked. One thing lead to another, and now Moody was actually going to use the first curse on the students, his excuse being, so they would know what they were up against, but (y/n) had a feeling he actually just wanted to make a fool out of everyone, and it would seem like that was it, until he tried it on Potter, and he actually showed some form of resistance. The rest of the class was spendt watching Moody put Harry under the imperio curse, over and over, trying to get him to resist it entierly, but as the class ended, he still hadn't done it, not that he did a bad job or anything. He did a lot better than anyone else.

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