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Long time skip..

Nathalie had been recovered for a while physically. Nothing was broken and stitches were gone. She had just started therapy and investigations and she went back to the mansion with gabriel. He had tried so hard to be easy with her. She had some sensory problems from being alone for so long. She couldn't be in bright lights, when the lights changed they hurt her head alot. Some textures made her cringe and uncomfortable. when she had first gotten back she didn't even wanna sit in a chair thinking she wasnt allowed to. and sleeping in a bed, she barely wanted to step into the room. Once she laid on the bed though. it gave her an overwhelming since of safety. She curled up and and hugged the pillow like her life depended on it. if a day was really bad that's wear you would find her.

Food... That was the worst part. He tried to get her to eat but she wouldn't for a while and couldn't eat anything with too much of a taste or temperature or else she would just throw it up. She practically lived and peanut butter sandwiches, eggs, and water. She absolutely hated it. She kept trying to push herself but Everytime she couldn't keep it down.

She sat at her desk trying to catch up. Gabriel went behind her and put his hand on her shoulder and immediately tensed up.

"Hey it's just me.... but Nathalie you should be resting..." He pulled the chair back. "I should be working... I've been gone for so long... I need to-" "rest! You need rest..."he said with a bit of a snap in his voice. She put her head down anxiously picking at her nails. "I'm sorry... I just... I don't wanna be a burden anymore... I wanna help you" he gently put his hand on her shoulder. "Your not a burden and you never were... And I know you wanna help but you need to get better first..." He put his hand over hers getting her to stop. She looked you to him a bit nervous. "How are you so patient with me... You are know for your short temper... But  why am I different... I don't deserve it" he ran his thumb across her knuckles and laughed a bit. "My temper is not a force to be reckoned with. It's still there believe me... But I care about you... And I try my best not to snap at you. Because I don't want you to hurt yourself or think I'd hurt you.." he lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles. She blushed a bit and smiled. She looked back to her computer. "I don't wanna lay around all day... I wanna do something..."  "I know... Maybe... Maybe later tonight we could go for a walk? I know bright lights hurt your head." She nodded and smiled. She found it sweet how much he cared about her.

"But what can I do till then?" She said getting up from her chair. Gabriel put his hand on her waist because sometimes her legs would give out from under her he started walking out of her office slowly with her."Well... You could watch a movie? Orrrrr take a nap? Or if your really want to you can help me pick colors and designs for my new line that Audrey so desperately wants" Gabriel rolled his eyes and shook his head Nathalie cringes at the thought or Audrey.

All of a sudden she her head feels her head start pounding and her body go numb. She holds onto Gabriel and stopped walking. He tightened his grip on her trying to keep her upright but her legs gave out and she fell onto him. He gently laid her on his lap in the middle of the room. "Nathalie? Are you ok?!" She passed out.

Nathalie had a flashback to the night Gabriel had come for her but it was right before. She could here Daniel on the phone and a woman yelling on the other end. The woman was upset and distinctly talking about Gabriel. She hadn't caught it before.

How would she know Gabriel was coming?

She woke up and looked around she wasn't in the hallway she was in bed and Gabriel was sitting in the end of the bed. Nathalie felt bad she had worried him and hid under her blanket. Gabriel looked back to see her pull it over her head and gave a sad smile.

"Nathalie... How are you feeling?" She didn't say anything. "Nathalie... You need to tell me what you're thinking about..." She looked to him and sighed. "Alright... I-i had a flash back ....again... But he wasn't hurting me... He was on the phone." He was confused. "On the phone with who??" She looked away. "I-i dont know... They were talking about you... This was right before he tried to shoot me... D-did you tell anyone that you were coming for me? Maybe a woman?"

He froze. He had only told one person. He looked away trying to think of anything but that. Nathalie noticed him looking upset. She sat up and rubbed his shoulder. "Sir? Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry"  he held her close. "No no it's my fault don't apologize!" "W-what do you mean it's your fault??" "....I told Audrey I was on my way... I had figured it out... She hung up and she must have told that man. I'm so sorry!" He hugged her. "Sir it's not your fault...I don't get why she hates me so much... I haven't done anything to her..."

She looked to him."it's not your fault though.... I promise... He was trying to muster the courage to kill me for a while... Hes just a big baby..." She tried to lighten the mood but it didn't work he hugged her tighter and kinda pushed her back onto the bed getting her to lay down. She ran her fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to upset you more... D-don't yell at me.." she stopped and pushed him away curling up a bit.

Gabriel looked up to her worried. "Hey... I won't's just that whole situation kinda puts me on edge like what would have happened if I wasn't there in time!" "Putting it bluntly... I would have died..." He furrowed his brow and pointed to her. "That.. that's true but do you have to be so to the point about it?" She smiled. "Have you met me? I'm always fast and too the point" he laughed and sat up. "Yes you are...." he smiled and looked at her for a while admiring her. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He looked away and straighten his tie nervously  "i- i... umm... w-well... Nathalie you know what makes me happy?" She looked away "" "....what makes me happy is seeing parts of your old self back"

She looked down. "I don't feel like myself..." He gently held her hand. "I know... But when you smile and when you make witty little remarks. It gives me hope" she looked to him and leaned on his shoulder. "If you want me to be my old self let me do my old job" "mmmm... no I don't think that's a good idea..." she frowned "but sir I could-" "no Nathalie... And you don't have to call me sir." She sat up. "Your my boss though..." "Nathalie you can't possibly think I'm just your boss??"  She covered her face with her hand. "Nathalie... Your my friend... I want you to say my name at least for a bit until you can work... If you absolutely hate it then  you can call me sir again..."

Nathalie nodded and left her head down. "Yes Gabriel... If it makes you happy...." Held her close. "Nathalie...don't be upset you'll be alot better soon ok?" "I hope so.."

He rubbed her back a bit and looked to her. "Hey? You still up for a walk tonight?" She nodded and smiled a bit.

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