bedtime thoughts

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They got back to the mansion and Nathalie went to get out of the car but it hurt to move her legs. She sighed she didn't want to ask Gabriel to get her out of the car thinking it was childish. she tried again but couldn't move with out it hurting. "Gabriel" she called out to him closing her eyes. He went over to her and opened the door more. "Yes" she sighed again "my hip hurts... Can you help me out of the car?" He nodded and picked her up.

He set her down on her bed. She didn't really wanna change so she just took her meds and laid down. Gabriel sat with her. She wouldn't look at him. "Nathalie what's wrong." "You should have pushed more for me not to go... My stomachs off and I feel sick knowing what he would do to me..." He hugged her. "Nathalie dear. He won't be leaving that cell... He can't get to you..."

"I know he can't get to me but it still makes me sick knowing what he wants to do to me..." She leaned down him a bit. Gabriel gently put his arm around her. "I know... But he can't do it I promise" "mm..." She looked away and sighed.

"Why don't you go to sleep for the night Nathalie..." "I don't want to...." "Why not?" "Because you'll leave... And I'll wake up alone and freak out... It happens every time" she moved closer to him. Gabriel didn't know that she felt that way and held her close. "Nathalie why don't you tell me these things when they happen??" "Because there stupid..." "It's not stupid." "Ok well then it's embarrassing! Your my boss! It's already weird enough that I live in your house..." "Nathalie... I think I'm more then your boss. I mean I count you as my friend. Am I wrong?" She looked up to him. "Well... no. But your still my boss." "And? We can be friends right?" "Yes but I mean-" "then you should tell me what's going on." She looked away. "You don't wanna know." It off set him and he gave a small smile. "Yes I do. If I know what's going on I could find ways to help you." She shook her head. "You would get annoyed and then you would yell at me because Im not good enough and-" he pulled her close and cupped the side of her face so she was looking at him. "Nathalie. I'm not that man. I'm not going to yell at you, and I won't hurt you. I need you to remember that ok?" She nodded a bit and tried to move away but Gabriel pulled her closer. "I want you to be happy. Don't hesitate to talk to me ok?" Nodded and snuggles under the blanket.

Gabriel sat there and watched her fall asleep. He pulled her hair out of her bun and ran his fingers through her hair. "I wish you would talk to me. I only wanna help you Nathalie." Nooroo and dusuu laid down on her pillow wanting to be near her. Although she her mind was racing in her sleep caused them not to be able to there fore dusuu was getting whiney and cranky and nooroo was trying to keep her quiet so she didn't wake her owner. Gabriel noticed and actually picked up the two kwamis in his hands and pet their heads. Nooroo was a bit more anxious and moved away out of his hand so he focused on dusuu paying her head. "I know she's upset. And her emotions are probably some very strong ones... Why don't you and nooroo go rest in my room?" She nodded and kinda dragged nooroo with her.

He looked back down to Nathalie. The whole subject of them being friends stuck with him. He felt like he wanted to be more. Even before everything went down. Her being away made his feelings stronger. He didn't want to overwhelm her though. Slowly hint at it? He thought.

Gabriel shook his head. "I have to be subtle... Yeah subtle! I can do subtle.

Sorry it's been so long i haven't wrote in forever this us still something from when I was updating regularly but I don't think it will be to regular sorry for the inconvenience  all these new seasons are really jacking up this ship and I don't have the same love for it like I did in season 3. Don't get me wrong I love them but Gabriel's such an ass and I hope you understand where I'm coming from

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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