Chapter 13 - Welcome

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(There is a massive time skip here sorry)

It is 4:30am on the day that Karasuno's volleyball team was supposed to go to Tokyo for their two week training camp. They are waiting in the carpark for their bus to Tokyo.

Hinata's POV

While waiting for the bus, I could not help but feel uneasy. Is 'he' really looking for me? Should I back out instead? Kageyama was really the only person I could talk to about this problem, but he and I...have not been on the best terms since the 'incident'. Whenever I try to talk to him, he just gives me dry answers and never looks at me. Is he mad?

"Pst, Hinata," Coach Ukai called, ushering me over to him, "I made a plan about you-know-what for when we reach Tokyo. Feel free to go over it in the bus if you would like."

"Okay thank you," I reply, bowing my head, "but you really did not have to go through all this trouble for this, it is my own problem after all."

"I just do not want you being distracted when training," Coach Ukai says, "this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, make good use of it."

"Hey guys the bus is here!" Takeda says, getting into the small bus and putting his belongings in the small trailer at the back.

"Let me know if you decide to follow this plan," Coach Ukai whispers, getting onto the bus.

I nod, following the rest of the team onto the bus.

End of Hinata's POV


It is 7am and Karasuno's volleyball team have finally reached Rakuzan.

No One's POV

As soon as the bus stopped and everyone had gotten off, Hinata immediately got his belongings and headed into the school to look for the auditorium. He had already told Ukai that he would follow his plan and since they had the first day off, he knew that he could easily manage on his own. He just had to stay cooped up in his dorm, the only problem being, he had no idea who would be in the dorm with him.

Once he and the rest of his team had reached the auditorium, Hinata made sure to stay low, which was not very hard considering his height. After a few minutes he spotted Akashi on the stage, about to start his speech. To avoid eye contact, Hinata looked to the floor, but did not realise that someone else was watching him...

End of No One's POV

Kageyama's POV

I did not talk to Hinata for the rest of the fortnight. I was still embarrassed from the 'incident' but now we were in Tokyo, Rakuzan to be exact. At least I could distract myself with volleyball. While we were waiting around in the auditorium, I noticed a guy with red hair, around Kuroko's height, walking up to the stage. He must be Rakuzan's captian.

"Hello my fellow basketball and volleyball players! Welcome to Rakuzan, we are thankful for accepting our invitations!" The red head says, with a smile on his face, "as you know, this training camp will go over two weeks. Your dorms will be filled with different people from different schools so that you can get to know new people! I hope we can all have fun over the next two weeks! Thank you."

After a few minutes, we were given slips of paper of a map of the school, where all the gyms and dorms were located, as well as our dorm numbers. I look over to find Hinata only to find that he had disappeared. Oh well.

End of Kageyama's POV

Unknown Person's POV

"Are you sure we should be doing this? Won't he still be mad at us..?"

"It will be fine do not worry, I saw him earlier."

"******'s right though, he does not deserve us after what we did..."

"Do not think so negatively *******"

"I could not care less honestly..."

"We all miss him though. This is our only option left.."

"To make it less awkward, I also included his friend, Kageyama."

"Well now all we do is wait."

End of Unknown Person's POV


Word Count: 699

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